Need clarification (not to step on any toes)

In all fairness, I did say that I "try" to send out welcome PM's to everyone that we approve and I wasn't as diligent back then as I am now. I try really hard now and would say that I send out a personal welcome to 99% of everyone we approve.

You sent one to me and it definitely made an impression, I felt pretty welcome from the start
Funny you should say as much but, I'd like to note that Cindy and I personally approve EVERY SINGLE MEMBER here and, I try my hardest to personally welcome as many of them as possible by PM. More times than not, these new members will take the time to respond back to me and at that time, I always ask that they say hello in the "Give us a wave" sub-forum. To this day, I don't know if a single one of these first time posters who've only come on here to sell their stuff has EVER responded to my welcome PM. I wonder why.

WTF?! I don't recall getting a personal welcome and my birthday just passed and nothing. :grayno:
WTF?! I don't recall getting a personal welcome and my birthday just passed and nothing. :grayno:

The 'victim card' suits you well....... Let's hope this gets you your much deserved welcome and happy birthday.
The 'victim card' suits you well....... Let's hope this gets you your much deserved welcome and happy birthday.

Luckily I haven't spent much time on the site or I might be offended. ;) You stateside yet?
So in your own words, you just came to the site to sell something. :cheesy:

:cheesy: That's about what came to my mind :crazyeyes:

Honestly, the greeting I got was not a wave and this post seems to echo the entire experience thus far.

Sorry, I'm not sure I get it. How has your entire experience here been thus far? :idontknow:

I highly doubt the people talking like this would do it face to face.

Clearly, you've never met Chris in person. Trust me, he'd talk exactly like this face to face. :crazyeyes:
Well apparently Eddie isn't doing a good enough job in your eyes sending out welcome messages. Also we don't like when people try to sell their shit first post, we've also covered how your clubs forum has a grace period to sell shit. Any more complaints?

Well those are your words. I never said he isn't doing a good job nor was I complaining. Your lack of knowledge on how to interpret what's said is sad. I said I joined two years ago and I doubt I'd remember whether I received a welcome message or not. I also said had I just joined and received that message I wouldn't of ever asked this question. Do you understand now? Or do I need to break it down to elementary reading levels for you?

It's obvious to me that you have absolutely not one ounce of ability to interpret the English language as you thought what I said was anything but apologetic.
WTF?! I don't recall getting a personal welcome and my birthday just passed and nothing. :grayno:

Me either! Eddie and Cindy clearly don't want us here and has created a hostile environment. Wanna leave and create another, more friendly, forum together? The only terms of joining will to watch the following video(in it's entirety) and accept its message as the bible?

Is this thread seriously still going on? You stated your opinion, we heard it and nothing's changing. What more needs to be said?

Crazy isn't it :crazyeyes:

You sent one to me and it definitely made an impression, I felt pretty welcome from the start

Well, I'm glad that you appreciated it. I won't lie, it's pretty much the same thing I say to everyone but, I do personally make the effort to send it. :)

WTF?! I don't recall getting a personal welcome and my birthday just passed and nothing. :grayno:

You know that was on purposes ;) :D :crazyeyes:
Yep, I'm back. Going to be making a random 500 mile trip from Vegas to Reno next week.......get it, VEGAS TO RENO

No way!! I didn't know you're coming. Looking forward to seeing you next week :thumb:

Me either! Eddie and Cindy clearly don't want us here and has created a hostile environment. Wanna leave and create another, more friendly, forum together? The only terms of joining will to watch the following video(in it's entirety) and accept its message as the bible?

WTF?!! It's all over for me now :grayno:
I think what you're missing is the fact that the people you are chastising are actually trying to help these first time posters by suggesting they introduce themselves BEFORE trying to sell things. This way, they won't be breaking my rules. So far as I'm concerned, a person who chooses to make their first and only post in the for sale sub-forum IS only here to sell their stuff. And, if you want to talk about rules, their membership here should technically just be revoked. :crazyeyes:

I learned all of this the hard way. It's better to shut your mouth and go with the me.
I learned all of this the hard way. It's better to shut your mouth and go with the me.

:cheesy: eh, it's all good now isn't it? And really, the way I see it, the ice has been broken and now you're really part of the community. Am I right?
Clearly, you've never met Chris in person. Trust me, he'd talk exactly like this face to face. :crazyeyes:

That would be his prerogative I guess. Hopefully I get the chance to meet him.
Well those are your words. I never said he isn't doing a good job nor was I complaining. Your lack of knowledge on how to interpret what's said is sad. I said I joined two years ago and I doubt I'd remember whether I received a welcome message or not. I also said had I just joined and received that message I wouldn't of ever asked this question. Do you understand now? Or do I need to break it down to elementary reading levels for you?

It's obvious to me that you have absolutely not one ounce of ability to interpret the English language as you thought what I said was anything but apologetic.
maybe I'm too busy trying to understand why you're trying to be the forum babysitter. Any other complaints?
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