Need a confirmation from the JK Gods (experienced Jk owners)

Good news is that according to JKF, Mr.Beach has deleted his WAL app and will not be coming back. And apparently he's even turned off of EVO products due to the interaction here.

What a surprise :yawn37:

On a side note, JKF apparently believes that Eddie and Mel had a falling out.

Guess I had better let Mel know that I can't join him for the run we were thinking about doing this weekend. I mean, being that we've supposedly had a falling out and all :crazyeyes:
I was kind of thinking more of a gay barber shop but old ladies at a beauty salon works too. :D

Well, I guess that all depends on who you trust - the butthurt guys over on JKF looking to spread rumors or me. :crazyeyes:

I only trust solid sources. Thank you for clearing this up Eddie.
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