messed up the door hinge paint...

I also use it as a ramp/lever to help put the tires on when i take them off to work on the jeep :thumb:

Now that is a great idea! I hate rotating tires anymore but that will help. Now I just need something to help get the damn tire off of the carrier without inducing a hernia....
thanks budd!

we messed the hinges up trying to align the damn pins in the holes... drove me crazy for 3 was getting a little dark out which definately helped us LOL

This is an excellent idea! Thanks!

Wish I could take credit for the idea but I read this on someones thread here - happy to pass on tips. You'll be amazed at all of the cool little tips & tricks you pick up here.
.Just make sure you put cool stickers on it though - makes it easier to line the doors up. ;)
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