Markw13/Albino Lizard chooses not to associate with this form!

Where are Wayalifers stirring the pot? Proof is in the pudding Mark.

Here is the reality of todays situation.

I posted a legitimate topic and escalated everything in line with the moderators personal attacks. Had you guys acted like adults this sequence of posts would never have occurred. I didn't come here to play games, but you guys get rediculous entertainment from trying to bully people.

This is a perfect example of how I have stated that you create trolls.

I apologize to overlander for the thread topic. I was just proving a quick point (in a rather comedic way).

I didn't stoop to some rediculous level and call a bunch of people names for the purpose of belittling anyone, as many others have done in the past.

Guys on other forums get butt hurt from time to time, but it gets worked out without this rediculous escallation because the moderators don't push it to this point.

I bid you farewell.

As for Frank, if you are going to address me by rank figure out the correct one.
Here is the reality of todays situation.

I posted a legitimate topic and escalated everything in line with the moderators personal attacks. Had you guys acted like adults this sequence of posts would never have occurred. I didn't come here to play games, but you guys get rediculous entertainment from trying to bully people.

This is a perfect example of how I have stated that you create trolls.

I apologize to overlander for the thread topic. I was just proving a quick point (in a rather comedic way).

I didn't stoop to some rediculous level and call a bunch of people names for the purpose of belittling anyone, as many others have done in the past.

Guys on other forums get butt hurt from time to time, but it gets worked out without this rediculous escallation because the moderators don't push it to this point.

I bid you farewell.

As for Frank, if you are going to address me by rank figure out the correct one.

Didn't bother reading it all but I'm sure you shifted blame on others for your own actions.

I still don't see any proof that Wayalife members go to other forums to start shit.
I didn't stoop to some rediculous level and call a bunch of people names for the purpose of belittling anyone, as many others have done in the past.

How about doing it when in your jeep with someone sitting on your CB keyed? You sure had a bunch to say about me.
Here is the reality of todays situation.

I posted a legitimate topic and escalated everything in line with the moderators personal attacks. Had you guys acted like adults this sequence of posts would never have occurred. I didn't come here to play games, but you guys get rediculous entertainment from trying to bully people.

This is a perfect example of how I have stated that you create trolls.

I apologize to overlander for the thread topic. I was just proving a quick point (in a rather comedic way).

I didn't stoop to some rediculous level and call a bunch of people names for the purpose of belittling anyone, as many others have done in the past.

Guys on other forums get butt hurt from time to time, but it gets worked out without this rediculous escallation because the moderators don't push it to this point.

I bid you farewell.

As for Frank, if you are going to address me by rank figure out the correct one.

Jesus fucking Christ. There were zero personal attacks on you. You started the thread about me but now it was a joke? I hope for the sake of the community you work in you are not a fire captain and actually are not any ranking officer.

You are a little bitch. That is the personal attack. Just leave already.
Please do share.....

Ah, we were on a run and we were heading back and my guess is his wife sat on his handheld cb and keyed it. So myself and all the others on the run got to here all about how I wasted all my money on my jeep, how I abused it and that's why my motor blew, why bead locks weren't needed etc, etc. it was about 5-10 minutes of ramble before I think someone realized it was keyed. Who knows maybe he never knew hahaha. I thought it was funny to me because we had to trim trees so he wouldn't "brush" his jeep and then he cracked his Pintler. Guess my bead locks held up :idontknow:
How about doing it when in your jeep with someone sitting on your CB keyed? You sure had a bunch to say about me.

No shit? He talked crap about you on a run with you? If he did that on a run with me he might find himself waking up with a four foot by four foot moat of piss and shit around his tent.
I vouch for petey. I was on the same run, that he (Jason) planned, lead, and invited us all on. I heard it all too.

Edit for clarity.
Ah, we were on a run and we were heading back and my guess is his wife sat on his handheld cb and keyed it. So myself and all the others on the run got to here all about how I wasted all my money on my jeep, how I abused it and that's why my motor blew, why bead locks weren't needed etc, etc. it was about 5-10 minutes of ramble before I think someone realized it was keyed. Who knows maybe he never knew hahaha. I thought it was funny to me because we had to trim trees so he wouldn't "brush" his jeep and then he cracked his Pintler. Guess my bead locks held up :idontknow:

Wow what a dirtbag.
Lance. I'm on the Wayalife side but I am greatly offended by the use of the word retard in a derogatory way. I teach students with special needs and care for them dearly!!!

If you're offended, stop reading. How horrible that you would associate the word with special needs children. That post does not associate that word with any such children. Stop looking for reasons to be offended.
If you're offended, stop reading. How horrible that you would associate the word with special needs children. That post does not associate that word with any such children. Stop looking for reasons to be offended.

You really feel the need to go there? Just like her you could have read it and past it by but you chose to be a real stand up guy. Thanks.
Ah, we were on a run and we were heading back and my guess is his wife sat on his handheld cb and keyed it. So myself and all the others on the run got to here all about how I wasted all my money on my jeep, how I abused it and that's why my motor blew, why bead locks weren't needed etc, etc. it was about 5-10 minutes of ramble before I think someone realized it was keyed. Who knows maybe he never knew hahaha. I thought it was funny to me because we had to trim trees so he wouldn't "brush" his jeep and then he cracked his Pintler. Guess my bead locks held up :idontknow:

Wow. You're a great guy, and I'm sure he is just jealous of your sweet ride and how you actually get to use it to its potential.

I'm glad you laughed it off, I would be "pissed" (just like sharkey)
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If you're offended, stop reading. How horrible that you would associate the word with special needs children. That post does not associate that word with any such children. Stop looking for reasons to be offended.

Take a step back in history.... This is the exact term used to describe any person who is not performing at the "average" level. I am not easily offended but do not appreciate the loose use of this word. I was not addressing u and addressed lance in a very polite way. I am a really laid back person, ask anyone who knows me, but I do speak up about this ONE thing. Thanks for your opinion but it simply shows your insensitivity on this subject.

Let's get back on topic of lovely mark and his lack of social skills! He was not so charming in person...actually rude and commented about what a waste of money it is and why any family would own two jeeps.
Lance. I'm on the Wayalife side but I am greatly offended by the use of the word retard in a derogatory way. I teach students with special needs and care for them dearly!!!

Edit: just read your latest reply, nevermind
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This thread isn't about retard. It's about douchbag (Mark).

And for the record the word retard is used to describe delays in progress, development or accomplishment. It's only offensive to people who have soft skin and take things offensively. That is all.
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