Mad at my State

I’ve been doing seasonal college applications reading for a college in New York. I live in Colorado. It’s a good gig. Doesn’t pay great, but the work is interesting, which is why I do it.

So the college calls me up and says they can’t rehire me because the Colorado State Government now insists the college has to pay my Internet costs. College won’t do that.

So in an effort to “help” folks like me they end up losing me a job.

They did the same thing by insisting all new-hire salaries have to be divulged so everyone knows what everyone else is earning. This was to “help” women get equal pay.

That’s great and all, but now many companies in other states just won’t hire anyone from Colorado to avoid the rule. How the fuck is that good for women? Not working is surely worse than unequal pay.

This is so dumb. I wish they would just leave me and other Coloradans to make our own choices about who we will work for, for how much money, and for any damn reason we choose.
I’ve been doing seasonal college applications reading for a college in New York. I live in Colorado. It’s a good gig. Doesn’t pay great, but the work is interesting, which is why I do it.
So the college calls me up and says they can’t rehire me because the Colorado State Government now insists the college has to pay my Internet costs. College won’t do that.
Were you an independent contractor or an employee for the New York college? Were you paying internet on your own prior to all of this? Why the fuck would the Colorado government have such a condition that a college in another state is required to pay for certain expenses? Makes no sense.
Part time “seasonal” employee and I’ve been paying my own Internet since that shit was invented.

Look I don’t know for sure but I think the law is intended to protect or help seasonal workers who are migrants or poor. But for this particular job you need a masters degree. So everyone gets swept up together.

It’s not a tragedy for me but it still pisses me off.
Part time “seasonal” employee and I’ve been paying my own Internet since that shit was invented.

Look I don’t know for sure but I think the law is intended to protect or help seasonal workers who are migrants or poor. But for this particular job you need a masters degree. So everyone gets swept up together.

It’s not a tragedy for me but it still pisses me off.
Could you see if the college in New York would just use your services as an independent contractor? In that case you actually might even be able to reach out to other colleges and do the same thing for multiple colleges. Just a thought.

It's definitely bullshit that there's a law saying they can dictate what other states can or can't do.
Yeah I talked to them about a number of solutions but it’s a big bureaucracy so just easier for them to say sorry 🤣

instead I’m looking into starting a college essay consultancy business and use that experience privately, so maybe I’ll be thanking the state government one of these days for pushing me over the edge 😁
instead I’m looking into starting a college essay consultancy business and use that experience privately, so maybe I’ll be thanking the state government one of these days for pushing me over the edge 😁
Something always has to happen that might seem frustrating or bad in order to make room for something bigger and better.

The low pay and all the new software they are having us learn at the club I’m working at currently was the last straw, plus a couple homeowners confronted me about starting my own business.
Something always has to happen that might seem frustrating or bad in order to make room for something bigger and better.

The low pay and all the new software they are having us learn at the club I’m working at currently was the last straw, plus a couple homeowners confronted me about starting my own business.
I have to agree with that. And TBH as I said before this wasn’t bad for me as compared to what some folks go through. Just unintended consequences of bad regulations. I generally prefer when they leave us alone to make good or bad choices 🤙
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