Life Rules to live by. Whats Yours

Do not make others look bad to make yourself look good, only backfires on you.

Do not ask anyone to do anything you have not or will not do.

The price of freedom is written on the Wall.
Don't lend anyone something you intend to keep.

It's government policy, "You have to think for everyone else, but can under no circumstance every think for yourself. "

Never forget a clean pair of underwear.

You only have to run faster than the guy you are bear hunting with.

Bomb squad technician :
If you you see me running try and keep up.
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Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum" meaning If you want peace, prepare for war.

My grandfather told me that years ago. It's been in my head ever since. I want to get it tattooed on my forearm but probably never will.

And of course "Molon Labe" meaning come and take them.
If life gives you lemons then find somebody who's life gave them vodka and have a party

No glove, no love

Never buy a dog thinking it'll prepare you for kids

You should never have an extra bolt after an oil change

Never go camping with the cannibal

Whenever you leave behind failure, you're doing good. If you think everything you've done is great, you're probably dumb

Never wipe with one ply toilet paper
Go hard or go home!
Go big or go home!
Everything in life is worth doing right!
When you commit to something give it hell and go balls to the wall! (My motto when i'm out on a jetskii hitting wakes and waves and while I'm hitting mud holes or off-roading in my jeep if i have to do so)
Get your friends together, get your beautiful significant other, take your jeep out, and have fun like it's your last day on Earth!
Try something and if you fail then go back to the drawing boards and try it again until you succeed!

Those are a few of mine.
7 P's

This is from my Pops - The Commander and a salty one at that. But his kids and grandkids had him wrapped around his finger. Still he never missed an opportunity to remind us about the 7 P's

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!

Miss ya Pops!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do...
Explore. Dream. Discover."

"Take a compass, because it's always awkward when you have to eat a friend."

"Always wear clean underwear, because you never know if you get into a car accident."

"Start slow and squeeze tight, because what you think could be a fart might be something else."
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