Lets see your work shop or garage

So the clear has the appearance of a layer of Elmer’s glue when it is applied, in my opinion the odor was stronger than the epoxy but not enough for me to advise someone to avoid working with it. It cured overnight and the odor is undetectable today. One more coat with some anti-slip additive today and it’ll be complete. I’m really pleased.
I was planning on tackling that this fall too. That floor came out great. Makes me second guess taking it on myself. I may have missed it but did you grind the floor first?

No they rinsed it thoroughly and gave it a good scrape, acid etched it twice and rinsed it again.
That really did turn out great! I'd love to do that but the thought of having to move all of the shit out of my garage to do it is a big fat NOPE!
I was planning on tackling that this fall too. That floor came out great. Makes me second guess taking it on myself. I may have missed it but did you grind the floor first?

We didn't on ours either. We did a degreaser on oil spots then an acid wash. House built in 1968
Got my steps back in last night, a friend gave me some scraps of Trex so I reused the stringers but replaced the treads. Now the waiting game for the weekend to bring all my stuff back in.

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