King Of The Hammers 2015 official thread

Tough racing for sure. Sounds like a course change caused by the huge backup. Looks like have missed a lot though.

Keep racing hard guys.
Honestly, I feel for Mel & crew as well as the other drivers that are still competing. You gotta imagine that every muscle and bone is aching as they attempt to gut out the finish.
Timed out. EVO1 was running great according to Mel and Greg in main pit. Only 17 finished the race. Team completed 2 laps. Would have kept going if not for time.
Timed out. EVO1 was running great according to Mel and Greg in main pit. Only 17 finished the race. Team completed 2 laps. Would have kept going if not for time.

The traffic jam at jackhammer stole a lot of time from everyone except the guys that started first
Good job. That was one hell of a race yesterday. Hot out there, dusty, long, and that was one hell of a traffic jam to try to make up for on the back end.
Just wanted to thank everyone for following along and pulling for us through the event.

And to our entire support team and pit crew: Best group of hard working people and friends ever!

Unfortunately, the almost 4hrs we waited in line at Jackhammer caused us to time out. Not just our team, but dozens of cars, if not more. We entered main pit at exactly 10pm (cut off time) with still one lap to go. EVO1 was still running as good as it did when we left the start line at 8:30'ish in the morning.

Yes, I had about a 40lbs rock thrown at me by another race car's tire on Jackhammer. Bottom line; When hit directly in the ankle with a 40lbs rock, you don't let several thousand people see you cry while lying in the fetal position. You just bury that deep down inside and smile for the camera ;)

More to follow.....
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