Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

Thank you for saving me from having to read this.

Summary - the argument of personal responsibility versus liability of others if you're not responsible and place yourself (and others) in a situation that results in your injury. Maybe throw in a bit of personal freedom and how that plays with injury resulting from another's irresponsible actions.
Yes, too long, ADD, PTSD, kicked in.

PTSD= Positively Too Stupid,,,, Demonstrably.

The reason I referred to her as the victim,, is because she is the only one dying in a hospital right now,, it was not an indicator of fault.

EDIT... the PTSD acronym is only for USMCVET, and not directed to war veterans who actually suffer from the condition.
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I read 10 pages and gave up. Here is my $.02:

I blame Nissan. It clearly states they had a rental because their Tahoe was in the shop. Nissan makes shitty cars. Buy American!

But in all seriousness, my thoughts and prayers really do go out to the families involved.
Though it is tragic that there were severely injured individuals in this accident, the fact is that those who blame the bumper have no concept of ACCOUNTABILITY for individual actions. Fact is that someone made a decision to pull into oncoming traffic. That person must take on the accountability of the outcomes of that decision. The only obvious law broken was failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Had there been no injuries, her insurance company would be paying for repairs on the jeep and stinger. I would suspect that that may still be the case after an investigation is competed. The stinger did not cause the accident. The driver of the Nissan did. The controversy here is just another symptom of a society that no longer values individual responsibility, accountability for individual actions, and the rule of law. Instead they use emotions and feelings to trump the rule of law so that blame can be placed on others. Eventually leveraging emotions as mechanism to get more unnecessary over reaching regulations that accomplish nothing.
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Though it is tragic that there were severely injured individuals in this accident, the fact is that those who blame the bumper have no concept of ACCOUNTABILITY for individual actions. Fact is that someone made a decision to pull into oncoming traffic. That person must take on the accountability of the outcomes of that decision. The only obvious law broken was failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Had there been no injuries, her insurance company would be paying for repairs on the jeep and stinger. I would suspect that that may still be the case after an investigation is competed. The stinger did not cause the accident. The driver of the Nissan did. The controversy here is just another symptom of a society that no longer values individual responsibility, accountability for individual actions, and the rule of law. Instead they use emotions and feelings to trump the rule of law so that blame can be placed on others. Eventually leveraging emotions as mechanism to get more unnecessary over reaching regulations that accomplish nothing.

Yes. (10 char)
What started out as a sad story has turned into a quite amusing thread full of name calling and funny meme's. Time to grab a beer and see how this pans out.
I was reading about this elsewhere just a bit ago. When did we become a society that is always so quick to blame everyone but the actual person at fault? Shut drives me nuts.

"Shut drives me nuts" is right... This self-entitled, where the do-less get-more society we live in kills me. If you don't like the results then sue away... What happened? Where was the shifting point? I know this is off topic, but... She made the fatal mistake and she will live with it. We can't keep putting the blame on everyone else. It wasn't the bumpers fault! And has anyone check to see how the bumper is doing?
Guns have nothing to do with this. There is a thread for that.

Just about every thread has posts nothing to do about that thread. Are you going to edit all the other ones?

Though it is tragic that there were severely injured individuals in this accident, the fact is that those who blame the bumper have no concept of ACCOUNTABILITY for individual actions. Fact is that someone made a decision to pull into oncoming traffic. That person must take on the accountability of the outcomes of that decision. The only obvious law broken was failure to yield to oncoming traffic. Had there been no injuries, her insurance company would be paying for repairs on the jeep and stinger. I would suspect that that may still be the case after an investigation is competed. The stinger did not cause the accident. The driver of the Nissan did. The controversy here is just another symptom of a society that no longer values individual responsibility, accountability for individual actions, and the rule of law. Instead they use emotions and feelings to trump the rule of law so that blame can be placed on others. Eventually leveraging emotions as mechanism to get more unnecessary over reaching regulations that accomplish nothing.

X's 2!

This thread is full of fail. I feel dumber for reading it all. FML

Again...X's 2!
Just about every thread has posts nothing to do about that thread. Are you going to edit all the other ones?

X's 2!

Again...X's 2!

Well said. If we could only get back to that and away from social-engineering must ban everything mentality!
I read practically none of this thread, but the trolling points are awesome...the memes are awesomer.

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