Jeeps stinger seriously injures girl in crash

I believe the thinking is, had the stinger not been there, the crash/crumple zones of the door would have done their jobs. Cars are rated/tested for side impacts, however they are not rated/tested for side impacts where a large piece of pointy steel protrudes into the passenger compartment. Sure the crash would have still been bad there's no denying that, but would it have been AS bad if the bumper wasn't there.

And that's an even dumber theory. I wasn't aware car windows had crumple zones, and I'm just assuming that she was tall enough so that her head was behind the window.
What about if the aftermarket bumper he installed is illegal? They probably have a good case for a civil suit.

Effective 5/12/2015
41-6a-1632. Bumpers.
(1) A motor vehicle shall be equipped with a bumper on both front and rear of the motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle that was not originally designed or manufactured with a bumper or bumpers.
(a) On a motor vehicle required to have bumpers under Subsection (1), a bumper shall be:
(i) at least 4.5 inches in vertical height;
(ii) centered on the vehicle's center line; and
(iii) extend no less than the width of the respective wheel track distance.
(b) A bumper shall be securely mounted, horizontal load bearing, and attached to the motor vehicle's frame to effectively transfer impact when engaged.
(3) If a motor vehicle is originally or later equipped with a bumper, the bumper shall:
(a) be maintained in operational condition; and
(b) comply with this section.
(4) A violation of this section is an infraction.

The factory PLASTIC bumper doesn't meet all of these requirements. (b)
And that's an even dumber theory. I wasn't aware car windows had crumple zones, and I'm just assuming that she was tall enough so that her head was behind the window.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. If the stinger wasn't there, it would not have gone through the glass into the passenger zone and hit her in the head. If it was a normal bumper, the crumple/crash zones of the door would have taken the impact and did their jobs.
Curious to see what comes of this hope everyone makes it out alive but if they do sue I wonder how the case will play out.
I believe the thinking is, had the stinger not been there, the crash/crumple zones of the door would have done their jobs. Cars are rated/tested for side impacts, however they are not rated/tested for side impacts where a large piece of pointy steel protrudes into the passenger compartment. Sure the crash would have still been bad there's no denying that, but would it have been AS bad if the bumper wasn't there.

This ALL is (and would be) pure speculation at this point. No matter what happened and how so far there is no civil case to my knowledge. So whether or not "her" head came in contact with the stinger is hear say and pointless at this time. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but we all know of stories that have been manipulated /twisted by the media to sensationalise /distort the truth. Anything we can come up with is very ill informed, as to my knowledge again no one here has personally spoken with any of the parties concerned. Just my 0.02, besides it usually takes awhile for cases like that to be settled in or out of court.
They will probably sue. It's a tough case for the family to win since the girl was at fault and her actions directly resulted in the situation she is now in. There is also the matter of the blood(or what looks like it) you can see on the stinger which could compel a judge/jury to be on the families side. Depending on the damage they sue for the insurance company may just pay out to avoid court and lawyer fees. It's one of those situations that could go any way.
Yes it does.

(b) A bumper shall be securely mounted, horizontal load bearing, and attached to the motor vehicle's frame to effectively transfer impact when engaged.

If you think the factory bumper is horizontally load bearing (especially on the ends) and can effectively transfer the impact to the frame when engaged you are sadly mistaken.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. If the stinger wasn't there, it would not have gone through the glass into the passenger zone and hit her in the head. If it was a normal bumper, the crumple/crash zones of the door would have taken the impact and did their jobs.

You're absolutely correct. If the stinger wouldn't have been there it wouldn't have gone through the door and window, THE REST OF THE JEEP WOULD HAVE THOUGH.

Unless the Jeep was lowered, I'm pretty sure most of that front end would have been level with her head anyway
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. If the stinger wasn't there, it would not have gone through the glass into the passenger zone and hit her in the head. If it was a normal bumper, the crumple/crash zones of the door would have taken the impact and did their jobs.

What is your interest in this? You seem pretty worked about it and your posts are full of speculation and conjecture, because I'm fairly certain you 1) were not one of the first responders or 2) are not an accident reconstructionist assigned to the case.
What is your interest in this? You seem pretty worked about it and your posts are full of speculation and conjecture, because I'm fairly certain you 1) were not one of the first responders or 2) are not an accident reconstructionist assigned to the case.

Just thought it was an interesting story that is out there and wanted to have a discussion.

edit: and where I found the story was a completely non jeep forum and I wanted to see what Jeep drivers reactions would be. They are quite different than the other forums.
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They will probably sue. It's a tough case for the family to win since the girl was at fault and her actions directly resulted in the situation she is now in. There is also the matter of the blood(or what looks like it) you can see on the stinger which could compel a judge/jury to be on the families side. Depending on the damage they sue for the insurance company may just pay out to avoid court and lawyer fees. It's one of those situations that could go any way.

eesh, i hadnt even seen the blood on the stinger 😯
good eye
so replace the jeep with this Truck_crane.jpg

all i can say is i am sorry for both parties involved hope everyone recovers!
We are having a similar story here locally. A Honda went across the the yellow line and hit a 2014 jk head on. They had an aftermarket front bumper, forget the brand. Driver of the Honda died, driver and passenger of jeep had minor scratches. There have been some similar discussions regarding this event as well.
Just thought it was an interesting story that is out there and wanted to have a discussion.

That's fine. You just seem defensive about it. What really matters is that two families lives have completely changed forever, there is a young girl in a hospital with catastrophic injuries, her mother is injured too, a father is helpless and suffering, the driver of the jeep, regardless of fault, is most likely an emotional wreck along with his passenger. Yet on various forums on the internet, people are sitting behind their keyboards blaming or defending a bumper depending on their perspective.
So who is to blame if a fully loaded dump truck rams into the side of a smart car that didn't have the right of way?? :thinking: Same thing.

Female driver not paying attention is what caused this accident.

Back seat driving here of course.
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