Jeep Scavenger hunt? Hmmm...


New member
Back in my high school days my friends and I would have a yearly scavenger hunt. It got me thinking, would it work with jeeps?
Back then we had tasks, stunts and feats we had to accomplish and each of them had a set amount of points they were worth.
We also had to photograph them for proof. So with jeeps it could be the same thing. Flex on none rock object = 2 points Get entire vehicle on a free standing boulder = 5 points
Get on 3 wheels = 2 points Water crossing = 3 points Ect. Ect.
Seems like it could be loads of fun! What do you guys think? Any ideas?
A few of us are really thinking about giving it a try! We could use some ideas.

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I like the idea!!! Have a few prizes for the top three with the heights points and have all photos due in by a certain date. The prizes will get people to participate. And all photos must have the same jeep depicting all the finds.

Great Idea!!!
I like it! There would be a ton of great jeep pics! I think it would be awesome. Any Ideas on what some of the objectives could be?

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Love the idea but if your planning a national game you might consider other terrain too. Kinda hard to get my jeep on one of the rocks down here in southern Missouri. But mud or water I can do!!!! Just a thought for the west coasters. Lol
I'm in.. What if we start with 2 feats, an easy one or a hard one. Person to accomplish either feat gets to pick the corresponding next feat (I. E. if you accomplish the easy one, you pick another easy one, and the same with the tough ones).

Then, we could also have a time limit go in effect for the feat out of the pair that wasn't accomplished. ( say somewhere in the ballpark of 24-36 hours) if the second feat expires with nobody accomplishing it, the original winner of the first feat gets to pick the second also and gets 1/2 the points that were to be awarded for its accomplishment.
(to promote game play, and competition I suppose)

Whaddya think??
Great Ideas! I would like to try it out both ways and see which one would attract the most players. What kind of feats would you like to see? :thumb:
Great Ideas! I would like to try it out both ways and see which one would attract the most players. What kind of feats would you like to see? :thumb:

Hadn't really thought about feats yet lol.

Easy: jeep sandwich. 5 points. Get a picture of your jeep parked in the middle of two other jeeps.

Hard: trifecta. 8 points. Get a picture of your jeep lined up with with two others youngest model year first to oldest model year last.

2 bonus points for either category if you can get all the drivers (including yourself) with their respective rigs in the picture as well

Contest starts now!
Alright! I have a ton of good ideas now. Either we can play it where one person sets the feat and the first one to complete it gets to set the next easy/hard feat or I can post the list of feats, point values, rules and start/end dates. Both would be way too much fun! Give me some feed back and spread the word! Lets do this!:beer: If we decide to make a feats list PM me your ldeas. I've got a few really good ones!
This sounds like fun how about 5 points for finding a lifted truck and crawling one of your tires on to they're tires but just a random truck at a mall or something ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1364481791.301219.jpg
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