Insurance claims

Having investigated insurance fraud, I'll let you dumbasses in on a secret. Insurance Fraud is a FELONY. If you think you are smart enough to beat a multi-billion dollar company, go right ahead. My friends have special "bracelets" for you to wear on your way to your new home.

Just something to think about before you start lying to the police and the insurance company. Believe me, we have seen it all before. It is nothing new. And when you get your special day, either during your arraignment or your Examination Under Oath, remember, I told you so.

Wooh thanks for letting us in on your secret. I thought they would buy me anything I wanted.
Having investigated insurance fraud, I'll let you dumbasses in on a secret. Insurance Fraud is a FELONY. If you think you are smart enough to beat a multi-billion dollar company, go right ahead. My friends have special "bracelets" for you to wear on your way to your new home.

Just something to think about before you start lying to the police and the insurance company. Believe me, we have seen it all before. It is nothing new. And when you get your special day, either during your arraignment or your Examination Under Oath, remember, I told you so.


Why? Seriously, I don't get it. I am sick of the mentality that it is ok to lie to try to get something for free. The not so gradual decline of our country directly correlates to its citizens' increasing sense of entitlement and absence of accountability. We all pay the price for the insurance fraud of the few.
Why? Seriously, I don't get it. I am sick of the mentality that it is ok to lie to try to get something for free. The not so gradual decline of our country directly correlates to its citizens' increasing sense of entitlement and absence of accountability. We all pay the price for the insurance fraud of the few.

Ease up, Sharkey. I don't play that game (nor a sense of entitlement or any of that left wing bullshit).

I took it has gloating about the investigating he has done. It is common sense insurance fraud is a crime and if someone didn't know it they are a fucking moron.
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Why? Seriously, I don't get it. I am sick of the mentality that it is ok to lie to try to get something for free. The not so gradual decline of our country directly correlates to its citizens' increasing sense of entitlement and absence of accountability. We all pay the price for the insurance fraud of the few.

Not a single person here said they are lying to get anything for free. Get your head out of your a**. It was just a question to what you told your insurance company when you damaged your jeep on the trails. Nothing there pushed for getting anything for free.
Not a single person here said they are lying to get anything for free. Get your head out of your a**. It was just a question to what you told your insurance company when you damaged your jeep on the trails. Nothing there pushed for getting anything for free.

Well when you ask the general public what to tell an insurance company if you damaged your rig on the trail, it sure comes off as though your asking for ways around telling the truth. Insurance is common sense and lying about it is wrong and illegal. So it's also common sense to tell the insurance the truth and tell them exactly what happened. Why the hell would you tell them anything else?

So I'm just telling you, the way the question was asked comes off as if your asking for ways to lie about trail damage to get your car fixed. And if you have insurance that won't pay for trail damage or you can't afford that kind of insurance then you shouldn't be wheeling if your worried about damaging anything and don't have the money yourself to have it fixed.
Well when you ask the general public what to tell an insurance company if you damaged your rig on the trail, it sure comes off as though your asking for ways around telling the truth. Insurance is common sense and lying about it is wrong and illegal. So it's also common sense to tell the insurance the truth and tell them exactly what happened. Why the hell would you tell them anything else?

So I'm just telling you, the way the question was asked comes off as if your asking for ways to lie about trail damage to get your car fixed. And if you have insurance that won't pay for trail damage or you can't afford that kind of insurance then you shouldn't be wheeling if your worried about damaging anything and don't have the money yourself to have it fixed.

I understand some may misunderstand the question. What I meant was how did the conversation go. Was it easy to explain and did they try to give you a hard time.
I understand some may misunderstand the question. What I meant was how did the conversation go. Was it easy to explain and did they try to give you a hard time.

I call bullshit on that. There is no way in hell the question "what did you tell them happened" was meant to mean was it easy to explain.
I understand some may misunderstand the question. What I meant was how did the conversation go. Was it easy to explain and did they try to give you a hard time.

If you would have worded it this way the first time no one would have given any grief about it. Don't worry man I'm not trying to be rude at all. And honestly if I had your same question I probably would have asked it the exact same way you did the first time, not realizing how broad the question was and what people would think I was asking. So don't sweat it man, there was just a miscommunication in the way the question was asked.
...Get your head out of your a**.

Ha! You are funny.

Actually, what you asked was "what did you tell them that happened?" That phrase necessarily contemplates telling the insurance company something other than the truth. If you can't see that, then you have the sphincter wrapped around your neck cutting off your air supply, not I.
Ease up, Sharkey. I don't play that game (nor a sense of entitlement or any of that left wing bullshit).

I took it has gloating about the investigating he has done. It is common sense insurance fraud is a crime and if someone didn't know it they are a fucking moron.

Never said you play that game. All I did was asked why you were "rolling your eyes" at someone for pointing out that insurance fraud is a losing venture.
Never said you play that game. All I did was asked why you were "rolling your eyes" at someone for pointing out that insurance fraud is a losing venture.

I was just to extrapolate on being against entitlements. I rolled my eyes because it shouldn't have to explained that insurance fraud is stealing and thus a crime and the way he said it was a little overboard.
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