INSECTICIDE - Show Us Your Best Bug Massacres

Next time we go through Kansas, I'll make sure to take a picture.

I'm guessing JeepFan won't be participating in this thread.....
Bug genocide - we're all guilty of it especially being that we drive vehicles that have a flat grills and near vertical windshields. Of course, the worst of the worst slaughters occur in the summer time and mostly when driving on a highway along side an open field or a river as the sun goes down. What I want to see are some of your best bug massacres and in all its technicolor gory glory :cool:

To kick things off, here are a couple of close up shots that I took of Rubicat's new 5-o'clock shadow. :icon_crazy:



I would have taken one of the windshield but I had to clean it multiple times just so I could see through it and has since lost some of it's flavor. But, I'm sure there will be more opportunities for me to add to this thread. :D

With that said, let's see your spectacular splats! :thumb:

That grossed me out! This quesadilla is not staying down.
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