I'm purposely getting banned... because I can't follow the rules

If someone is Korean do you automatically say "I had no idea you were Korean. I spent time over in Korea."

That's what you said you Eddie.

Yeah so what. My brother in laws are Korean and I speak a little. Did I bury myself again? search my threads some more it good to know I can waste your time
Id rather be banned then bend on something I never intended to be an issue. I don't see where I'm soliciting anything. Did I offend Eddie?
Yeah so what. My brother in laws are Korean and I speak a little. Did I bury myself again? search my threads some more it good to know I can waste your time

Not wasting my time. I just remembered that post because it's one of the dumbest things posted here.
Id rather be banned then bend on something I never intended to be an issue. I don't see where I'm soliciting anything. Did I offend Eddie?

I stole a car last but told the cop he couldn't arrest me because o never meant anything wrong by it.

Let your thoughts bounce between the walls of your skull a little before typing.
So, is it the principal here? Not sure why you're being stubborn about this. The rules say"no shops allowed" . Very simple to understand. It was a member that reported you. Just remove it already

I have been warned. I don't try to get work here. Do I own a shop? Yup I'm a one man show that cranks out some nice stuff. That's all. This site was something I could enjoy my hobby on. That's it. It's really about paying to advertise your shop that has people pissed. I'm not trying to advertise my shop. Just sharing my jeep
See theres standing up for whats right and being an uncompromising prick.

The request was simple - the implications inconsequential and your effort required minimal.

I don't see what youre being insolent for. Its pretty simple. If i posted up i have LOD sliders and Eddie requested i kindly dont post that, id oblige. Its his forum. I dont pay for it. Nuff said
Putting this out in the open Ed.

Quote Originally Posted by 10frank9

I noticed you made reference to your shop again:

I also noticed that you are advertising your shop name and location in your profile. I asked nicely last night in the thread for you to change your bio as this is your 2nd warning regarding making reference to your business. I noticed you logged on at 0824 this morning but you have not changed it.

Please do so now or I will take additional measures.

Thank you,

I was not and do not promote my business on your website not all I have never taken any work work off of your website I don't give a flying f****** s*** whatever actions you take I'm in Florida I'll be peeling my wayalife stickers off my vehicle this afternoon.
Has been deleted :cheesy:

Nobody deleted your thread. It's there, I just moved all of your comments here, any of your future comments will also wind up here.

Now it is just fun.

I am glad you are enjoying yourself. You were warned in the past about referencing your shop. You posted a photo which referenced you had a "shop" and your profile contains the name and location of said shop, which you also say builds trucks and jeeps. Sounds like advertising to me. Pretty simple and polite request to edit your profile, but that was too hard for you, so now you determine your own fate with your "self-ban" LOSER.
Name calling. Great!

And your hissy fit and your "I'll be peeling my Wayalife stickers off tonight" is real mature too. Guess it's really tough to understand that you are breaking the rules to be a member of this forum. You own a shop, you build Jeeps and are getting your name out there by use of your profile, are you that dense to see that? Perhaps you are too prideful to admit when you are wrong.
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