Idiot.....or truly concerned for other's safety???

Now that's how they loose access to good stuff, it only takes on d-bag, now none will be allowed there , it's just a matter of time, that's why they hide the red woods locale

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I really wish that I could say that I'm amazed that someone would do this but alas, behavior like this has truly become the norm. Plain and simple - people SUCK!! :grayno:
I can believe someone would do this because there just some stupid people out there with no concerns for anything other then there stupid selves. :mad:

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Judging by the laughing, singing, and jumping up and down in the video these dudes are just complete idiots. It didn't look like that was going to do anything if it was left the way it was.
I agree with Greg that you can't fix stupid. Post the CRIME online and then when you get burned act like cats covering up shit. That's stupid and everyone knows it! The rock could someday fall on an innocent little kid who just happens to be walking by. That is even more stupid!! They are hereby officially awarded IAOTD (Ignorant Asshole Of The Day) status!:mad:

How do you become an even bigger asshole then previously thought to be?


Man who toppled 'goblin' boulder had claimed 'debilitating' injury
Not only is Glenn Taylor*possibly facing charges*in Utah for his he-man destruction of an ancient, and beloved, rock formation in Utah, he's got some*splainin' to do in another courtroom. Seems the Highland scoutmaster filed a lawsuit just last month claiming he'd suffered "debilitating" injury resulting in "great pain and suffering, disability, impairment, loss of joy of life" from a 2009 auto accident in which a teenage girl rear-ended a string of cars. Alan Macdonald, the girl's father, watched the viral video of Taylor pushing over the boulder and yukking it up and said, "He just doesn't look like a terribly disabled person to me." Taylor's lawyer Mark Stubbs said Taylor's medical bills from the accident are ongoing, while admitting the video might not help his client's cause in court. Meanwhile, Taylor's fellow Scout leader Dave Hall said he's received more than 100 death threats over the Internet in the furor. "We realize we made a mistake," he said. [Source] [Source]
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I will go on record saying my name is David Hall.......... But I'm not that fucking moron. He should have his house pushed down "well it looked unsteady to me, didn't want it falling on your kid"
I feel a lot of this behavior comes from no one being taught there is a difference between right and wrong anymore, everything is just ok to do, what a bunch of dickweeds

If there ever was or will be a law to spay/nuter humans, those asshats will be the poster Boys. I just hope their stupidy is deep enough to keep them from voting and or breeding. DAM!!!!
Very sad indeed. At least their own stupidity will be use against them in court (video). Should be clear for a jury to see lack of good judgement via the high fives and celebration.
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A great article in yesterday's paper about how this tool has been on disability and not working for a couple of years and suing someone over his "bad back".

Now the insurance company and the lawyers have the video, the DA has the video, and all of his neighbors whose kids he "leads" have seen the video. I imagine his future is looking both lonely and bleak, as it should.
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