I could not stand much more of it, and decided to contribute elsewhere

Dude...This forum is mainly guys. All of my good friends (in person, as opposed to cyber) are constantly talking shit to each other and giving each other a hard time. Where I'm from that's what guys do. It's general knowledge that this is preferred over watching Dr Phil and patting each other on the back.

What's wrong with watching Dr. Phil?😳
Army of mike.....please leave and don't log log back in. Eddie asked you nicely to leave but yet you continue to post. I know things can be hard to let go at times but people will continue to find this site and use if for its worth. If there is an agenda so be it...let go and let God.
247 posts here in a year .. 65 in one month there.. Sounds like someone is in need of a friend.

You know what he needs right Frank? ...lol All your fault bro ..hahaha
I know this is off subject and I apologize in advance but, that troll poster is freakin Awesome! I laughed so hard I damn near threw up!!!!! Rock on!
And you continue to prove ours. You're so self-righteous in your ability to point out the specks in our eyes and yet are completely oblivious of the logs in your own.

You've overstayed your welcome here on my forum and now I am asking you nicely and politely to leave.

Perfectly said, thank you. I have joined many forums for things like R/C cars, Jaguars, Ford Explorers, Jeep Cherokees, and a few others that I have forgotten about. They all tend to have the same types of people, only their names are different. There will always be the trolls, argument lovers, misinformers, guys with a shop manual for a brain, lurkers, and wimpy whiners. You need a thick skin to play on the enterwebs, don't take things so personal.
What's wrong with watching Dr. Phil?😳

Not a thing, I mean, if that's what you find therapeutic or entertaining.

Just saying that shit like tannerite works just as well for others.

I'd watch Dr Phil, like if he decided to fight Kimbo Slice or something.
This has been one of the funniest attempts at trolling I've seen. He might be a little light in the loafers.

Not that there is anything wrong with that...
Is it the default font on users phones that make the screen shots of post from the other forum look like the text font is comic sans or is it the forum itself that defaults to that font??? That alone would detour me from going/joining there, I'm not going to lie, when I first got my jeep and joined forums I didn't continue to participate in any of them because I thought there website design was tacky/unprofessional. WAL has good format and styling of his website which makes the presentation of information enjoyable.
You forget, I am responding to your drama, and members here calling out members who left on the Kool-aid thread. So therefore, I had to use your reasoning to prove my point.

The name calling here, memes, flaming and such aren't out of place, it's what I and many expect now from WAL. It just proves my point. Ask yourself why members have the memes and pics so handy for posting-cause it is commonplace here. I am not trolling as much as I am responding to posts to continually reaffirm my point: WAL has become an unhealthy environment.

It would be a whole lot healthier around here , if you just leave and not come back.
I can feel the love radiating through my monitor.

When will there be a "Welcome to Wayalife, our last troll was xx days ago, made by xxnamexx. Will you be next?" sign on the front page?
I can feel the love radiating through my monitor.

When will there be a "Welcome to Wayalife, our last troll was xx days ago, made by xxnamexx. Will you be next?" sign on the front page?

Not sure if this is sarcastic but we actually prefer to be troll free. Seems to be a mixture of envy and thin skin that makes some of these folks go off the deep end.
These post are hilarious. I found jk forum 5 years ago and when Eddie started wayalife I signed up. I still check the old forum classifieds occasionally. I like the info that is available on wayalife and that no one is afraid to tell you if something is junk. We've all spent a ton of money on our jeeps and I'm sure if your like me you regret at least 1 purchase and wished you had been warned. My friends and fellow jeepers we wheel with talk worst to each other than some of this and the next minute we're there to help each other out. People need to toughen up.
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