I could not stand much more of it, and decided to contribute elsewhere

I love how all you guys say you don't like the drama yet you keep coming here to peek in and troll like a bunch of losers. I bet ridge bans you too just for coming here to be a drama queen.

Nah, he can use all the members he can keep. I think he's banned like 5 of his whopping 20 members! lol
I love how all you guys say you don't like the drama yet you keep coming here to peek in and troll like a bunch of losers. I bet ridge bans you too just for coming here to be a drama queen.

Hes going to take anything he can get from here over there and say look what they are saying about us over there! Look at all this drama over there! Blah blah blah
I love how all you guys say you don't like the drama yet you keep coming here to peek in and troll like a bunch of losers. I bet ridge bans you too just for coming here to be a drama queen.

I've never mentioned anyone else specifically, but only my own perspectives. I am free to that. I can speak my mind. I didn't say I was a spokesperson. Just voicing what I see here. Sorry if that makes you mad.
LOL. What a loser you are Michael, plus you sure like mentioning my name. Sorry I am taken. :icon_crazy:

Nothing against you per se Frank, you were just first to post...

Once again, just proving my point of what is happening here that you all are losing members. Hard to argue with the truth.
Nothing against you per se Frank, you were just first to post...

Once again, just proving my point of what is happening here that you all are losing members. Hard to argue with the truth.

I've heard this same shit for years. Get over yourself and leave.
Nothing against you per se Frank, you were just first to post...

Once again, just proving my point of what is happening here that you all are losing members. Hard to argue with the truth.

What I don't get is that you claim to be tired of drama, yet here you are causing drama. THEN you go to your buddy Leroy's forum and post about drama. Talk about a hypocrite. At least I stand for what I believe in, you come here to cause drama, the world will see what the source is. Never once have any of us gone to another forum to troll, like you are right now. Think about that for a minute. Then again who am I kidding, you cannot reason with the unreasonable.
Your loving heart.

I'll go ahead and say it. You're acting like a drama queen. You make some pathetic post to please your buddies and start this cross forum drama. Be a man for once and just leave. Quit acting like a woman.
Nothing against you per se Frank, you were just first to post...

Once again, just proving my point of what is happening here that you all are losing members. Hard to argue with the truth.

Mikemikemikemike looks like like the numbers are going up to me :idontknow:ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1437848575.073955.jpg
Dude...This forum is mainly guys. All of my good friends (in person, as opposed to cyber) are constantly talking shit to each other and giving each other a hard time. Where I'm from that's what guys do. It's general knowledge that this is preferred over watching Dr Phil and patting each other on the back.
Dude...This forum is mainly guys. All of my good friends (in person, as opposed to cyber) are constantly talking shit to each other and giving each other a hard time. Where I'm from that's what guys do. It's general knowledge that this is preferred over watching Dr Phil and patting each other on the back.

LOL. This is how a real man should be, tough and not thin skinned. Some people just weren't cut from the same cloth as evidenced by Army Of Michelle . Some people get their sensitive feelings hurt and others just choose to leave and save the drama. Perhaps Michelle could just tell her hair stylist about how much she hates Wayalife cause they are such meanies.
Dude...This forum is mainly guys. All of my good friends (in person, as opposed to cyber) are constantly talking shit to each other and giving each other a hard time. Where I'm from that's what guys do. It's general knowledge that this is preferred over watching Dr Phil and patting each other on the back.

I should've quoted the first post with that reply. Sorry for any confusion.
What I don't get is that you claim to be tired of drama, yet here you are causing drama. THEN you go to your buddy Leroy's forum and post about drama. Talk about a hypocrite. At least I stand for what I believe in, you come here to cause drama, the world will see what the source is. Never once have any of us gone to another forum to troll, like you are right now. Think about that for a minute. Then again who am I kidding, you cannot reason with the unreasonable.

You forget, I am responding to your drama, and members here calling out members who left on the Kool-aid thread. So therefore, I had to use your reasoning to prove my point.

The name calling here, memes, flaming and such aren't out of place, it's what I and many expect now from WAL. It just proves my point. Ask yourself why members have the memes and pics so handy for posting-cause it is commonplace here. I am not trolling as much as I am responding to posts to continually reaffirm my point: WAL has become an unhealthy environment.
You forget, I am responding to your drama, and members here calling out members who left on the Kool-aid thread. So therefore, I had to use your reasoning to prove my point.

The name calling here, memes, flaming and such aren't out of place, it's what I and many expect now from WAL. It just proves my point. Ask yourself why members have the memes and pics so handy for posting-cause it is commonplace here. I am not trolling as much as I am responding to posts to continually reaffirm my point: WAL has become an unhealthy environment.

You forget, I am responding to your drama, and members here calling out members who left on the Kool-aid thread. So therefore, I had to use your reasoning to prove my point.

The name calling here, memes, flaming and such aren't out of place, it's what I and many expect now from WAL. It just proves my point. Ask yourself why members have the memes and pics so handy for posting-cause it is commonplace here. I am not trolling as much as I am responding to posts to continually reaffirm my point: WAL has become an unhealthy environment.

If it's so "unhealthy" then why are you still here? Go back to you new forum, that is if you admin hasn't banned you yet for posting up drama over there
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