Hi, from Colorful Colorado!


New member
Hello everyone,
It has been many many years since I participated in a forum. But recently I have had a bit of passion sparked that has brought me back to this lovely form of social interaction.
My name is Erin, and I own a Jeep. (Why does this feel like I am at a group therapy meeting all of a sudden.) Anyway, it’s a 2 door 2012 and it is my third Jeep. I have been wrenching on it and building it over the years with it being more of a therapy project in the last few years.

I live in Colorado on the front range. I love the outdoors, wilderness conservation, and I participate in a local Jeep Club that mirrors my own love of trail stewardship and helping to being awareness to trail access.

I named my Jeep “Wildmane” because my hair is usually a wild mess after driving around all day with the top off and it also plays into my love of horses.

I look forward to talking and discussing various Jeep topics and experiences with all of you.

Have a great day!
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