Help OverlanderJK choose a custom plate...

This is about my plates keep it on topic or move along trolls. :cheesy:

Just goin off of stuff I've read in the past. lots of peein in the cheerios and what not, and also some very good tips too.
But also like I said in the other threads, my opinion may change once I meet you.

just poking at you with everyone else.:beer:

I was kidding too. Not that I care either way though. :cheesy:
I was thinking more along the lines of:




and if those are taken.....

SNORKLZ like we told you to start with!

Well, unless the boots stay on.. Actually, wait, well its all really confusing.... Meet me at the pizza place parking lot in 20 minutes on day creek and we can talk about it.
Look, all I'm saying, is ill be in the parking lot in 20 minutes. Look for my jeep. It'll be next to the guy with the boots on and nothing else.
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