Hello There


New member
Finally joined after years of lurking. On my second JT now. Entirely satisfied Jeeper here.

Ive owned quite a few Jeeps in my years. I have a soft spot for the Jeepsters as I had one in high school. But, id say my JTDR is probably the best one I have ever owned. Im located in The Bay Area of NorCal.
I have found a ton of good info here.

The JT is on its second set of Fox's but the current set is already leaking and worn out. Im looking to upgrade. I have always applied the philosophy of "if it breaks, upgrade it". That line of thinking has me staring at an EVO lift and Kings. My "fun" truck is fairly well outfitted with Kings, so I already have an idea of what I am getting into.

Thanks for the hearty welcome!
Once I figure out the avatar and pic uploading I’ll update with some pics.

Otherwise, it’s still just in work truck duty.
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