Guilty or No?


New member
This past weekend I went hiking in the George Washington National Forest. When I returned to my Jeep, I noticed that I was issued a ticket for parking off the Forest Road. It was quite obvious that I was not the first person to drive/park in this area as it had snowed the previous weekend and tracks were still visible. Everywhere else you are prohibited from driving/parking is blocked with large rocks while the area I was in wasn't. Should I bother paying the ($75) ticket or fight it in court?
Depends on if you have the time to go to court or not. I would just pay if it were me. To much trouble going to court
Id pay it too. Consider it a donation to conservation. I know that's wishful thinking, but I like the support my hobbies if I can.
Were there any signs indicating the rules for parking in this area? If not and if you really want to spend the time fighting the ticket, you would need to document how there was no way for you to know that the area you were parked in was not allowed. Evidence and proof are the key to fighting a parking ticket. Of course, you will still have to pay a court fee to fight it and if you lose, you will still have to pay the fine as well.
Were there any signs indicating the rules for parking in this area? If not and if you really want to spend the time fighting the ticket, you would need to document how there was no way for you to know that the area you were parked in was not allowed. Evidence and proof are the key to fighting a parking ticket. Of course, you will still have to pay a court fee to fight it and if you lose, you will still have to pay the fine as well.

Good point. I may just pay and forget about it. There were no signs, but I believe it's well known by most hunters that you can only park on the side of the Forest Road. I like the idea that it's a donation to conservation made by 07JKSahara as well. Thanks.
If you have the time, I would go and take photos of the area and atleast show the judge. Let them decide then if you need to pay the ticket. Also I think you will be accessed a point or two on your license maybe... Not 100% on that tho. When or if you show them proof, dont be rude or anything and just let them know you dont mind paying but maybe this can help them know that the area is not marked for no parking to help others.
Were there any signs indicating the rules for parking in this area? If not and if you really want to spend the time fighting the ticket, you would need to document how there was no way for you to know that the area you were parked in was not allowed. Evidence and proof are the key to fighting a parking ticket. Of course, you will still have to pay a court fee to fight it and if you lose, you will still have to pay the fine as well.

Sounds like this comes from experience?
No points with a parking ticket

Most parking tickets are handled by an outside processing company, who also handle disputes. Usually if you can show proof (like a photo of the actual violation, lack of signage and such) you can have it dismissed. But as far as one issued inside of a park, not sure how that would work.:twocents:
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