Greetings from north of the border. Eh


New member
Hello all! I'm Tom from Canada. I don't own a JK, but what I do have is an 04 LJ. When I first got my Jeep a few years ago I came across the 4x4xplor site, it was an invaluable resource for a newbie like me. I can't thank Eddie & Co enough for that. It helped me in so many ways. That naturally led to finding the awesome videos as well. One video series in particular led me to find out and learn more about Moab. Then in 2012 I made the "pilgrimage to the promised land" and have not been the same since. For those of you that have gone, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you that have not. You really need to go.
Welcome aboard! When you wrote "Greetings from north of the border", my first thought was another member from Arizona. Not quite, eh.:thumb:
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