Goin' topless

Doors off for the FIRST TIME!!!

So being a new Jeep owner myself, last night was the first time I was able to actually go completely naked! After watching the weather for the last week in anticipation of todays forcast of 83 and 0% chance of rain, I excitedly stripped my jeep before work this morning.

Now its raining...... with more anticipated thunderstorms throughout the morning. Now I got a meeting in 15min and need to drive completely naked in the rain. Call me crazy, but I cant wait!!!!

Edit: I've read stories of this happening to people their first time stripping their JK. First time Jeeper luck maybe???
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I've only been able to have the doors off for 3 days so far this year.. every time it's warm enough it rains.. Hopefully this weekend I can run doorless at Rausch..

im doorless today lol its only going to rain this morning. left the top on to keep things a little dry. no windows just top
im doorless today lol its only going to rain this morning. left the top on to keep things a little dry. no windows just top

I'm sure there have been more opportunities for me to go topless and doorless but I leave for work at 6 am and don't get back in my jeep until about 7:30 pm so there is really no point in removing them on days I work.. oh and my drive to work is only about 10-15 minutes..
I'm sure there have been more opportunities for me to go topless and doorless but I leave for work at 6 am and don't get back in my jeep until about 7:30 pm so there is really no point in removing them on days I work.. oh and my drive to work is only about 10-15 minutes..

lol yea me to its 5 miles down the road. gotta live life on the edge a little Lane!
lol yea me to its 5 miles down the road. gotta live life on the edge a little Lane!

once it stays warm they'll come off and stay off until it snows.. I'm thinking maybe this weekend it will be time for them to get put up for the summer..
i parked under a tree this morning anticipating the storm to help keep some rain out of it. it rained meow meows and woof woofs here for a good 20 mins. just went out to check the jeep now that it stoped and found not 1 drop of water anywhere on the jeep or in it. WINNING! :rock:
It was 105* Sunday and Monday. It is 59* right now. The drive to work is going to be a bit different then earlier in the week this morning. (no top/doors)
i parked under a tree this morning anticipating the storm to help keep some rain out of it. it rained meow meows and woof woofs here for a good 20 mins. just went out to check the jeep now that it stoped and found not 1 drop of water anywhere on the jeep or in it. WINNING! :rock:

If I tried this my Jeep would go from Zero to Birdshit White in 1.5 seconds.... lol
So being a new Jeep owner myself, last night was the first time I was able to actually go completely naked! After watching the weather for the last week in anticipation of todays forcast of 83 and 0% chance of rain, I excitedly stripped my jeep before work this morning.

Now its raining...... with more anticipated thunderstorms throughout the morning. Now I got a meeting in 15min and need to drive completely naked in the rain. Call me crazy, but I cant wait!!!!

Edit: I've read stories of this happening to people their first time stripping their JK. First time Jeeper luck maybe???

You haven't lived till you roll naked through a thunder and rain storm!
Had the top and doors off for about a week right after I got mine a few years back, was storing them in my girlfriends garage at the time. Woke up on the 4thbif July and walked outside......raining so hard I could barley see the jeep in the driveway *facepalm. Still had carpet and drain plugs it was so new and there was about 6 inches of water in the floors.
What did I do you ask? Put some clothes on and drove to her house 20 minutes away lol. Should have seen some of the looms I got at stoplights, it was awesome. Haha :beer:

Took a few hours to pull carpet and plugs and dry the seats with a hairdryer lol and they didn't go back in for over 2 years :D

Worst part about driving topless in the rain is that the windshield wipers only work on the outside -derp

sent from my talkitty box
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