Gay Talk

Wow I just read this thread and boy ... Someone has some personal issues that need some attending

The whole Uganda argument, that came out of nowhere in parts of the world terrible things happen to all kinds of people maybe you should go there and try to make a difference ... Proactive !! No reactive yea !
Faggots offend me, but guess what....I don't go on the faggot forums and start shit...And since I'm a heterosexual caucasian male, nobody gives a fuck about what offends me...and bc the media constantly covers every chip on every minorities shoulder, I no longer give a fuck about what offends everybody else... there's no way to please everyone... people are going to be offended regardless...grow some balls and stop blaming the rest of the world bc you turned out to be an oversensitive cunt.
Faggots offend me, but guess what....I don't go on the faggot forums and start shit...And since I'm a heterosexual caucasian male, nobody gives a fuck about what offends me...and bc the media constantly covers every chip on every minorities shoulder, I no longer give a fuck about what offends everybody else... there's no way to please everyone... people are going to be offended regardless...grow some balls and stop blaming the rest of the world bc you turned out to be an oversensitive cunt.
WOW! I didn't know a pit bull could be so poetic. :thumb:
Faggots offend me, but guess what....I don't go on the faggot forums and start shit...And since I'm a heterosexual caucasian male, nobody gives a fuck about what offends me...and bc the media constantly covers every chip on every minorities shoulder, I no longer give a fuck about what offends everybody else... there's no way to please everyone... people are going to be offended regardless...grow some balls and stop blaming the rest of the world bc you turned out to be an oversensitive cunt.

:like: :clap: Bravo!
Faggots offend me, but guess what....I don't go on the faggot forums and start shit...And since I'm a heterosexual caucasian male, nobody gives a fuck about what offends me...and bc the media constantly covers every chip on every minorities shoulder, I no longer give a fuck about what offends everybody else... there's no way to please everyone... people are going to be offended regardless...grow some balls and stop blaming the rest of the world bc you turned out to be an oversensitive cunt.

The problem with society to day is we continue to allow the fringe weirdos to push there agenda on to the rest of us. if your a limp wrist...just be one and let the rest of us live our lives in peace! Bullshit with PC!
This made me laugh. That long-time member likes to disparage ALL people. You just happened to get "butthurt" (no offense) because you are gay and he made a reference to "gay." It was nothing personal, but you turning it to be that way.

BTW, being gay is not NOW LEGAL. Gay people never went jail for being gay. Gay people have always had the right to vote, Gay people could sit anywhere they want on the bus. Gay people didn't get tattooed and forced to walk into an oven. So get the fuck over yourself.

Best statement in the thread.
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