Flashcal driver, what am I doing wrong?

USMC Wrangler

New member
So I got my Flashcal in anticipation of the new tires being installed. I was able to download the Spark program but cannot get the driver to install. I tried it on my Windows 7 machine. I have emailed ron at Superchips, but I know they are closed for the weekend. I'm trying to get this done so I can take advantage of the 50% off upgrade to use it as a Flashpaq. I can't get the new tires installed until Friday.

Please let me know what I'm missing??? I'm sure I am doing something wrong because I'm so good at that! :naw::banghead::banghead::banghead:
I had the same issues with the program recently. I feel your pain, ultimately I had to turn the computer firewall off completely and install it manually. Here is screen shots of how to manually install it, hope this helps as it worked for me. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1427586841.411927.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1427586852.045118.jpg
Additional info

OJK12's info did help. Thanks again OJ! :yup: Here are a few other things I found out via trial and error. :doh:

  1. Make sure the tuner is plugged in
  2. I had to completely uninstall my McAfee program. Simply shutting it off wouldn't allow me to disable the Windows Firewall.
  3. I was able to get and install the TPMS option, but also tried to get the Flashpaq update since its currently 50% off! But, since my rural city didn't show up in their store database, it said the transaction was declined. When I checked my bank account the $89.99 showed as pending!!! I have an email into Superchips tech and will call tomorrow if I don't hear anything by midday or so.

I'm sure Superchips will make it right and I'll post an update when I get it all set.
I finally got some time today to call the Superchips Tech Help. They manually input my tuner and billing info and sent the upgrade so I could download it into Spark. Ron was very helpful and patient! :thumb:

  • You will need your tuner serial number when you call as well as your credit card and billing address
  • When I updated the tuner it input the Flashpaq info, then gave me error code #G-B3. I disconnected the tuner, closed Spark and reopened Spark. Once I plugged the tuner in it showed there were updates again. I let that run and it now shows as a 3571 tuner.

I plan on installing my tunes tonight, except tire size. (New tires don't go on until Thursday or Friday)
I can't get the Spark program to recognize my Flashcal. I tried to follow the instructions to get the driver but no luck. Any suggestions?
What anti-virus are you using? See my #2 above re: firewall. Mine wasn't completely off until mcafee was uninstalled.
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The only was I could get Spark to download properly for my Flashpaq was to download it from this website... You need to know if you are using 32 or 64 bit version of windows. By doing this, I don't remember having to delete any virus software or having to turn off any firewalls but it has been so long ago I can't swear by it. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1440858763.840750.jpg
The only was I could get Spark to download properly for my Flashpaq was to download it from this website... You need to know if you are using 32 or 64 bit version of windows. By doing this, I don't remember having to delete any virus software or having to turn off any firewalls but it has been so long ago I can't swear by it. View attachment 162449

Hopefully that does work. For me, once I could shut down the firewall, everything (other than my billing address issue) worked fine.

Shadow, let us know how it works out for you.
On windows 7 if you hit the "start" key on the keyboard and pause break key in the top right it will show if it is 32 or 64bit
I can't get the Spark program to recognize my Flashcal. I tried to follow the instructions to get the driver but no luck. Any suggestions?

did you install it with the flashcal disconnected? and the software closed?
also, did you reboot?
once you reboot launch the software without the flashcal usb plugged in, you should get the update complete pop up.

plugin the flashcal and it should work ... "should" is a relative term :beer:
What did you do to get it to update?

I have win7. I have disabled all firewall and uninstalled anti-virus. Nothing

I went to the page above (superchipsu.com) and downloaded the drivers and placed them into the correct folder per the instructions - nothing

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Spark. Nothing.

I like the tuner, but I want to turn off the TPMS light...
I can't understand why with today's technology that we can't just either get a tuner that has built in wifi so you can just use it without a computer or buy a cable and just use your phone as the tuner. I think it would make life so much easier but that's easy to say I guess from where I stand.
What did you do to get it to update?

I plugged the tuner back in. Then when to Devices. Then clicked on the one that said something like Supertuner. Can't remember exactly what it said. I clicked on find driver. Left it running all night and it was there in the morning
Their new tire pressure setting is now on at stock setting or all off and set to zero. No more sliding scale for you to set your own pressure. They said it no longer works in 2013 or 14 models so it's either all on or all off. Disappointing but at least it gets rid of the warning lights. Those were annoying.
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