Firefighter and Law Enforcement Wayalifers! The Official Public safety Wayalife thread

Wow! Is that a picture of you having been shot?

Best reply ever. The bigger man complex on this thread is a fucking joke. Both sides do shit that most people won't. Heroes are everywhere. However comparing dicks isn't very heroic, more childish than anything.
Best reply ever. The bigger man complex on this thread is a fucking joke. Both sides do shit that most people won't. Heroes are everywhere. However comparing dicks isn't very heroic, more childish than anything.

I think there is a thread for that? :idontknow:
One quality I admire most about LE/FIRE/EMS I meet is humility. Fire/LE/EMS, although they have light handed "ribs" on one another are equally important, selfless and honorable in my book. Not all may act that way, but then again everyone is different and unique. Like a snowflake of situational awareness.

Thanks again for all you do!
If I post a selfi you will know it,,,, I'll be the guy with Pursed lips, scissors, and a flat bill cap. ;)


You're a hair stylist?

edit: I just knew it wasn't you because it wasn't a dent in the cruiser after a truck backed into it while at the donut shop.
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I was thinking more along these lines,,,, Also, NOT ME!

Seems to fit your douche bag personality. I think you aced it. :thumb:
Seems to fit your douche bag personality. I think you aced it. :thumb:

Since you don't know me I'll just take your "douche bag" comment as the totally ignorant and immature statement it is, and try super hard not to loose sleep over it.
Since you don't know me I'll just take your "douche bag" comment as the totally ignorant and immature statement it is, and try super hard not to loose sleep over it.
You do whatever you need to make yourself feel better about YOU. That seems to be the reason you posted on this thread. You minimized all of these fire fighters to boost your ego and self-worth. I think douche bag fits you just fine.
"You minimized all of these fire fighters to boost your ego and self-worth." I hope your not a psychologist,, you aren't very good at it.
You do whatever you need to make yourself feel better about YOU. That seems to be the reason you posted on this thread. You minimized all of these fire fighters to boost your ego and self-worth. I think douche bag fits you just fine.

Huge doucher. Yup.
I've stayed out of the foray for a lot of reasons, but I thought this image captured a lot.

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This pic really went viral. I know this guy. His name is will bishop. He's a paramedic in ky. This pic was took after he got done working a code. People think they know the shit we go thru and put up with. But until you walk a mile in our shoes you have no idea. Hate to quote movies. But "I wish my mind could forget, what my eyes have seen."

For all you out there going down range. Wether your fire, police, or EMS. Thank you from this paramedic.

This unit is 10-10 signal 1

That is all. Lol
This thread took a turn for the unfortunate worst, that's one of the reasons why I stopped participating in it. When I started this thread, I had no intentions of it becoming a dick measuring thread between fire, police, or any other type of occupational duty. It was also not meant to stroke anyone's ego, I would hope that no one would come to an Internet forum on with that intention. I started it because most Fireman or Paramedics like myself, enjoy discussing things related to the job. It's like a social club similar to one that people who collect guns, classic cars, or hey, Jeeps! This thread was made so that we could discuss all that boring fire stuff that maybe everyone doesn't find interesting.

I didn't start this thread to prove how much better Firefighters and Paramedics are better than police officers or anyone for that matter, because I don't need an Internet thread to get that answer. I have the utmost respect for any police officer that wakes up and puts on the uniform any given day, especially with the events going on currently. We are NOT competing agencies, we help each other out and I know that my job could not be done without the boys in Blue. I respect what you do because I know it's something I wouldn't want to do.

Bottom line is, this thread isn't going to happen, but we should respect each other and not compete, whether it be friendly competition or not. We both do jobs that most people can't or don't want to step up and do, so we should pride ourselves in that.

I'm done here.
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