

New member
I call my Jeep the Coop because when my chickens aren't roosted in their coop, they can usually be found roosted on mine.

This morning my wife woke up and let the dogs out. She let them back in and my beagle jumped into bed. He started whining like he wanted to go out even though he came back in. I told him to shut up a couple times before I finally got up and let him out. I went into my bathroom and saw more light coming from the blinds than usual. I didn't put much thought to it because it was so early. I just figured it must be getting to that time of year. Then I heard my wife scream my name in a manner that I never have to hear again.


I ran outside and grabbed the water hose (I've talked about this water hose in a previous post regarding pressure washers) which has about zero water pressure. While my wife was dialing 911, i was able to walk around dribbling water where the fire was spreading. Amazingly it was effective.

I was absolutely sure my chickens were dead, as you can see what i was seeing in that picture. When I got around to the back side i saw a head sticking out of a gap in the tin. I ran over and ripped that corner piece off. 2 out of 3 babies ran out, along with a grown hen. My rooster was laying there charred blocking the flames from getting to the babies. The back end of that hen was also pretty well burned, and the babies didn't have a scratch on them. Sadly, Momma Hen along with 9 others didn't make it out. The volunteer fire department made it out within 3 minutes and kept that fire from reaching my house and I'm forever grateful.

The fire never should have started. It was caused by a heat lamp that shouldn't even have been in there now that it's not freezing anymore.

I'm thanking God today that this fire didn't start in the middle of the night because it surely would have made its way to the house before we realized.

Until I can get a new home built for these 3, I think the Coop might have to put in a little work and earn its name.
Wow that’s really sucks. Thank God the fire didn’t spread to your house. Maybe insurance will build you another one?
WOW I bet that was kind of scary! Condolences for your chickens and glad your house didn't catch fire!! :eek:
Wow! That's a crazy story! Glad everyone is alright and this didn't turn out any worse.
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