Evo slider finish

Bingo. I'm sticking with the industrial flat black paint from now on... Planning to strip and repaint my rear bumper next year.
I used Rustoleum satin black paint with Rustoleum self etching primer underneath. Looks good and its easy to touch up. Blends in nicely when you scratch them too.

As Strizzy said, thin coats. I learned that the hard way. Ifyou put it on even slightly thick, it will not harden properly.
As Strizzy said, thin coats. I learned that the hard way. Ifyou put it on even slightly thick, it will not harden properly.

Good point. When I was painting mine the first few coats were literally dustings. Once they started resembling blak I started with regular, thin coats. It took a long time, but goes on nice and even that way. :thumb:
How has the bedliner held up? I painted my bumpers with Rustoleum bedliner and was a bit surprised that I can scratch it off pretty easily with my fingers. I was hoping it would dry harder.

The finish has held up well. I have been offroad a couple of times. There were a few scratches. I just used a piece of card board to cover the body and touched it up. Looks good as new.
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