EMMA : 1969 Kaiser Jeepster Commando C101

You found one. :wings::thumb::honey:

I know you've been wanting one for some time now and looks like you found a real gem. When I was growing up in Torrance there was restored yellow Jeepster I'd see around and always thought it was so cool. Congrats and can't to see the updates and hopefully in person someday as well. :cool:
Another awesome rig. Looking forward to what you guys do with this one.

Well, for now, I think we're gonna just focus on bringing it back to a point where it looks somewhat clean again. We'll work on interior pieces and will try to do as much of the body work as we can. I hope to get it painted as well. The long term plans is to maybe get a 350 under the hood and maybe install a moderate lift. We'll see - certainly, we have time on our side :yup:

Eddie & Cindy, can I come and just sit in your garage? I promise to bring my own drool bib and wash rag.


View attachment 157415.

I regret on about a weekly basis for selling this one. Should have never let it go.

Holy hell that thing looks great!! Sucks that you had to get rid of it. :grayno:

You found one. :wings::thumb::honey:

I know you've been wanting one for some time now and looks like you found a real gem. When I was growing up in Torrance there was restored yellow Jeepster I'd see around and always thought it was so cool. Congrats and can't to see the updates and hopefully in person someday as well. :cool:

Thanks, as you know, we had been looking for one for a long time and glad that we finally found one. :yup:

What a great find! It's amazing how different (bad ass) the Commandos look with the hard top off.

Oh yeah, been working on it and will post up pics soon.

You bastards! That is sweet!

Thank you :thankyou:

Wow that's awesome! Congrats Eddie and Cindy!

Thanks :cool:
I love those old ugly face jeepsters. The newer ones look a little to bronkoish but you can find them with an AMC factory V8 which is a pretty nice upgrade. I actually considered at one point replacing my jk with one of these for a much more economical V8 build. Hope to see this become a bit more personalized.:thumb:
Great looking commando can't wait to see it piece together!!

Thanks! Trying to figure out what to do with it is most of the fun in having one :crazyeyes:

I love those old ugly face jeepsters. The newer ones look a little to bronkoish but you can find them with an AMC factory V8 which is a pretty nice upgrade. I actually considered at one point replacing my jk with one of these for a much more economical V8 build. Hope to see this become a bit more personalized.:thumb:

Oh yeah, we'll be making this one ours for sure but, gotta bring it back to stock first - or close to it.

That is awesome! I want an old jeep soooo bad, congrats you guys :thumb:

Thanks! I think you'd have a lot of fun with one :yup:
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