Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

There was more than one officer!!
300lbs??? He wasn't a trained martial artist..he was a 300lbs kid. The officers on site we more than capable of making short work of him. They chose the easy way. Total disregard of human life. Officers aren't only trained how to use weapons. What about the 300+ guy they choked to death?

Matti? Is that you?

Sent from my SM-N900V using WAYALIFE mobile app
Where are the concrete pictures to prove that the Leo was soo badly beaten? I haven't seen any rihanna pics of the Leo surface yet..
It's a power dynamic that you clearly don't understand. Whites enslaved some blacks years ago. Blacks are angry whites killed black youth.
If there were multiple stories of black cops killing white youth, there would be an issue.
Where are the concrete pictures to prove that the Leo was soo badly beaten? I haven't seen any rihanna pics of the Leo surface yet..
It's a power dynamic that you clearly don't understand. Whites enslaved some blacks years ago. Blacks are angry whites killed black youth.
If there were multiple stories of black cops killing white youth, there would be an issue.

The existence of slavery does not determine whether this was a righteous shooting...the facts do. And until all of the facts are disclosed, none of us can make the call.

Stop being a race baiter.

We should all be upset that an 18 year lost his life. But, if you want to try to find a solution to the problem, have enough intellectual fortitude to talk about the WHOLE problem...including why this particular kid ended up in the situation he was in.
If there were multiple stories of black cops killing white youth, there would be an issue.



Just a couple off the top of my head. The sad thing is that you never heard about them. All because it wasn't in favor of the minority. Just like many never heard about this sick crime either. All because it wasn't in favor of the minority. It's a sad world we live. With the media and non-rational thinking people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who only fuels the fire, it'll only continue to degrade.

Race baiter??? Really??? Lol...if in one year there were five or more cases of a black cops shooting to kill...strangling to kill a white victim would there be no issue? ...that would NEVER happen!
Black youth are targets...be honest.
Let's not beat around the bush. Where ever there are poor people there will be criminals!
I don't watch the "news"...what happened in Ferguson? :idontknow:

Edit: where is Ferguson?
I actually own a 2012 white jk and have been viewing build articles for inspiration..but was disturbed at the ignorance of some of the same members vehicles I enjoyed viewing their process display.
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

There was more than one officer!!
300lbs??? He wasn't a trained martial artist..he was a 300lbs kid. The officers on site we more than capable of making short work of him. They chose the easy way. Total disregard of human life. Officers aren't only trained how to use weapons. What about the 300+ guy they choked to death?
How do you know he wasn't trained in any type of martial arts?

Where are the concrete pictures to prove that the Leo was soo badly beaten? I haven't seen any rihanna pics of the Leo surface yet..
It's a power dynamic that you clearly don't understand. Whites enslaved some blacks years ago. Blacks are angry whites killed black youth.
If there were multiple stories of black cops killing white youth, there would be an issue.
How many "whites" were there?

Race baiter??? Really??? Lol...if in one year there were five or more cases of a black cops shooting to kill...strangling to kill a white victim would there be no issue? ...that would NEVER happen!
Black youth are targets...be honest.
Let's not beat around the bush. Where ever there are poor people there will be criminals!

:naw: You're a fucking moron.
I actually own a 2012 white jk and have been viewing build articles for inspiration..but was disturbed at the ignorance of some of the same members vehicles I enjoyed viewing their process display.

Yeah because your posts so nothing but intelligence. :crazyeyes:
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