
I was just going to post up about it. I felt it too. Not horrible my house just shook from side to side like twice.

Still always weird to me when I feel them.
:cheesy: That's because you're not from around here.

That is true! We had one when I was living in NY and I thought my dad was throwing things around downstairs. :cheesy:

First one I felt was the big Easter one a few years back. I was driving across the Coronado bridge. :eek:
I felt it on the 7th floor in downtown Santa Ana. No big deal, just a little swaying back and forth!
I have only felt one earth quake or trimmer in my life and I still remember it like it was yesterday (it was 1982).

It was about 9:30 pm and everything in my second story apartment started shaking and then the floor started really shaking. It was over in about 10 seconds.
All of a sudden, I hear the girl from across the hall screaming and she starts pounding on my door.
I open the door and she's hysterical and screaming "there's somebody under my bed, there's somebody under my bed !"
She was in bed and thought the Bogeyman was under her bed trying to get her.

I still laugh about that every time I hear about an earth quake. (not the bad ones)

Thanks Eddie for reminding me again. :cheesy:

I have only felt one earth quake or trimmer in my life and I still remember it like it was yesterday (it was 1982).

It was about 9:30 pm and everything in my second story apartment started shaking and then the floor started really shaking. It was over in about 10 seconds.
All of a sudden, I hear the girl from across the hall screaming and she starts pounding on my door.
I open the door and she's hysterical and screaming "there's somebody under my bed, there's somebody under my bed !"
She was in bed and thought the Bogeyman was under her bed trying to get her.

I still laugh about that every time I hear about an earth quake. (not the bad ones)

Thanks Eddie for reminding me again. :cheesy:


I will be the first one to ask :beer: Was she hot? :yup:
Wehad one on the east coast just over a year ago and it apparently cracked the washington monument and last i heard the structure was leaning.
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