Dynatrac pr44 no axles?

The truth is out there but I'll never know. 4wp sais that Dynatrac forgot to ship them. If the box sais g2 when it arrives then...

Yes you could know. Call Dynatrac.

Dynatrac Products, Inc.
7392 Count Circle
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

I would even take it one step further, conference in your sales rep from 4WheelParts with the folks at Dynatrac and then let them figure it out. You are the customer, not the go between. The truth will then come forth and I suspect you will get an apology somehow.
I spoke with Dynatrac directly. The parts were ordered correctly 4340 chromoly, shipped to Transamerica wholesale California on the 7th of January. So the parts didn't get Shipped from 4wp together and they were lost in labrynth that is known as Transamerican. All of you folks were right. I'll leave my post unedited so everybody can read it, but boy would I like to eliminate my second post.
Thank you for your honesty sir. It is because of people like you that help people like me not make the same mistakes. I am getting ready for a moderate sized build in the next couple of months and this is just one of many reasons I plan on going through Off Road Evolutions for my Dynatrac Axle assembly. Being in Canada, I can see that it would be very difficult for you to do the same. Hang in there man. Thank you for your sharing.
I spoke with Dynatrac directly. The parts were ordered correctly 4340 chromoly, shipped to Transamerica wholesale California on the 7th of January. So the parts didn't get Shipped from 4wp together and they were lost in labrynth that is known as Transamerican. All of you folks were right. I'll leave my post unedited so everybody can read it, but boy would I like to eliminate my second post.

I totally respect you for that. I'm glad you got it sorted.
I spoke with Dynatrac directly. The parts were ordered correctly 4340 chromoly, shipped to Transamerica wholesale California on the 7th of January. So the parts didn't get Shipped from 4wp together and they were lost in labrynth that is known as Transamerican. All of you folks were right. I'll leave my post unedited so everybody can read it, but boy would I like to eliminate my second post.

Lol at least your man enough to say what really happened. Thanks for that. Helps others down the road.
I spoke with Dynatrac directly. The parts were ordered correctly 4340 chromoly, shipped to Transamerica wholesale California on the 7th of January. So the parts didn't get Shipped from 4wp together and they were lost in labrynth that is known as Transamerican. All of you folks were right.

Thank you for posting up the follow up on this and for your honesty about everything. That's very cool of you :thumb:

I'll leave my post unedited so everybody can read it, but boy would I like to eliminate my second post.

LOL!! Well, at the very least, I think we can add a link to your 2nd post directing people to this one that you just made :D
I'm impressed really. First time since 2006 I've witnessed someone be completely honest with a post like this.


4wd is the only offroad place within an hour of me and I still prefer buying online from a reputable company and paying shipping. That means something about how much they suck. Thanks for being honest and actually posting the truth
Thanks for being honest. Shit happens. At least you the customer found out what happened too. Now we all know.
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