didn't realize trivial power trips and trolling was the entire point of the forum

didn't realize trivial power trips and trolling was the entire point of the f...

Wow you made this into its own thread. Is that why you don't let people leave the forum? So you can make threads to troll them?

So the process is people try to contribute. Then if they post something you disagree with, you personally attack them. They respond and you blame them for drama. Stand up crew. Please delete my account.

Really?! This is your response? You can leave the forum any time you want. There's this button you click to "Sign Off" and you don't ever log back on. Never heard of anyone being held to a forum against their will :thinking:
What is it with these Morons? These folks are always stirring up the shit or simply looking for a fight. Truth is, most...if not all of these people are quite as a church mouse in the real world...wouldn't want to have there attitude adjusted, face to face. pathetic idiots!

Yall are insane. This all started because I said. I get why Eddie banned them. I'm just not sure it was necessary. Then yall launch into personal attacks. And blame the original poster.

Enjoy your club/ fan club.

Yall are insane. This all started because I said. I get why Eddie banned them. I'm just not sure it was necessary. Then yall launch into personal attacks. And blame the original poster.

Enjoy your club/ fan club.

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Fact #1: Eddie did not ban NR4X4. He stopped doing business with them.

Fact #2: You are the one who chose to "do some digging on the history of this site," and believe all the bullshit out there.
Wow you made this into its own thread.

Wow, you're still here - why am I not surprised :rolleyes2:

Is that why you don't let people leave the forum? So you can make threads to troll them?

Funny, I don't ever recall asking you to be on this forum and to be quite honest, nothing would make me happier than to see you leave. To suggest that I'm somehow preventing you from leaving my forum is rather laughable. As far as trolls go, you're the only one here I see.

So the process is people try to contribute. Then if they post something you disagree with, you personally attack them. They respond and you blame them for drama. Stand up crew. Please delete my account.

So the process is people try to contribute. Then, if they post something YOU disagree with, you self-righteously preach at them and tell the owner of the forum how he should run his forum. You're the only one stirring the pot and yet, I am still the one responsible for all the drama. What a stand up guy you are. Please, don't let the door hit you in the ass as you leave. :yup:
Yall are insane.

Insanity is the act of doing something over and over again expecting a different result... Funny, I'm pretty sure that's what you've been doing instead of just leaving like you keep saying you're doing. :naw:

This all started because I said. I get why Eddie banned them.

Hmmm, I turn good money away that a vendor wanted to pay me and that equals me "banning" them. Guess you learn something everyday. :thinking:

I'm just not sure it was necessary.

Funny, I don't know if I ever asked for your opinion.

Then yall launch into personal attacks. And blame the original poster.

Ummm, I'm pretty sure that I was the OP on the thread that you launched your personal attacks on. Of course, I am to blame for everything.

Enjoy your club/ fan club.

I sure hope this means you're finally leaving for good.
It is funny how I'm accused of always being in the middle of drama and yet, the people making that accusation are ALWAYS the ones CAUSING all the drama. :naw:

Eddie, it's because they can't have what you have. So. Start drama because They want attention even negative attention to them is better then no attention. If that make sense.
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