Denver area crew: Im running Gordon Gulch tomorrow.


Active Member
I cant take it anymore, gotta run a trail before I lose my mind. Suns out. Lets go.

Im going to do Gordon Gulch, and maybe pennsylvania gulch on the way out depending on time frame. Trail Damage has it rated at 3, and the elevation never crosses 9k, so snow shouldnt be a factor. Im sure everyone has plans for the holiday, but I thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone would care to join me.
Well, Gordon Gulch was quite boring. Lots of awesome camping spots though. Continued on around Switzerland Trail which is also rather boring but has some great views. Finished up with Pennsylvania Gulch and had some fun there. Short trail, all climbing with a couple interesting spots to get a little twisted up.

Had to stop for a poser:


All in all, got out of the city which is all I wanted. :thumb:
I cant take it anymore, gotta run a trail before I lose my mind. Suns out. Lets go.

Im going to do Gordon Gulch, and maybe pennsylvania gulch on the way out depending on time frame. Trail Damage has it rated at 3, and the elevation never crosses 9k, so snow shouldnt be a factor. Im sure everyone has plans for the holiday., but I thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone would care to join me.

Glad you got out. Already had plans. Hit Spring Creek with Acamp and his brother in their Rubicons. That first obstacle is a real challenge. My biggest challenge to date. We made it almost to Rock Garden. Snowed out up there. Was Awesome run. Happy trails!!!
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