Custom .50 cal. Hood latches.

50 cal latches

looks badass!

I wonder how they hold up after a few months outside. The brass probably gets quite dark? Or did you polish and finish them with something.

I actually was concerned with how they would hold up as well so I polished them then clear coated them in hopes of prolonging the look. We will see how it holds up to the elements.

Those look awesome!! If only there was a way to adjust how snug the hood would be to the body. Keep us all up-dated so we see how they hold up to the elements!! Hopefully you finished them in something to keep the brass shiny!!

I actually am thinking of adding the adjustable rubber stops under the hood to take up slack, however carefully measuring them first I actually haven't got any flutter even on the highway. Just made sure I measured for a real snug fit. I may put the rubber isolators anyway in case it does ever start to flutter.
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