Crown King run Sunday, December 27th

So that puts us at 15 or 16 jeeps?? I'm bringing one other jeep as well.

May want to consider two groups just do to how tight the trail is towards the end. If we have oncoming traffic
Awesome. So we are sitting at about 13-15 total rigs right now. Should be a great day, hopefully everyone has a CB - Communication is going to be key for such a large group:rock:

I replaced my cb antenna cable this week and made it so it won't get pinched in the tailgate again.
I'll be there. Plan on getting there early enough for Denny's breakfast and to pick up some trail snacks. Not sure who all will be joining us. I'm glad to finally meet more Wayalifers!
Looking forward to seeing the photo's. I'm in SD and left the rig in the garage in Glendale. My days off are Friday thru Sunday until March. Look forward to getting out there!

...and I won't miss anymore runs I swear Mike& Paul!
Looks like you guys had a great turn out. I wish I could have made it. I'm going to be stuck in purgatory until the baby is born. Can't be out in the middle of nowhere with no cell coverage. ;-)
Looks like you guys had a great turn out. I wish I could have made it. I'm going to be stuck in purgatory until the baby is born. Can't be out in the middle of nowhere with no cell coverage. ;-)

Enjoy that purgatory buddy. It turns out to be the best time in your life as I'm sure you know. The cool thing about trails they don't go anywhere.
Enjoy that purgatory buddy. It turns out to be the best time in your life as I'm sure you know. The cool thing about trails they don't go anywhere.

As my son has gotten older I've been able to take him on a couple wheeling trips which is a lot of fun. He's still in that short-attention-span phase so I can't take him out all day yet but he's getting there.

I was hoping to use some of this 'free' time to work on the Jeep but between Christmas and getting the babies' room painted and setup plus I'm pretty much taking care of my son full time because the latter stages of this pregnancy has put my wife on PUP I haven't been able to get out in the garage at all. :-(
Was a great day on the trail even with the broken Dakota. Glad they could get it fixed. Enjoyed meeting a few more Wayalifers, always good people! Look forward to seeing everyone again soon on another trail.
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