Cow Tipping is so Yesterday - Say Hello to Smart Flipping!!


Staff member
Wadda ya gonna do when you're drunk with your friends and have no cows to tip? You go flipping Smart Cars of course! :crazyeyes:

Suspects Flip Over Smart Cars in San Francisco

Someone's been vandalizing compact "smart cars" in San Francisco, flipping the tiny vehicles on their heads and rear ends in the streets of San Francisco.

NBC Bay Area found three of the smart cars between Sunday night and Monday morning: One was found on Anderson Street, and two others were found a bit south on Sweeny Street. They were either sitting on their headlights, rear bumpers high in the air, or vice versa.

Witness Brandon Michael was out having a cigarette about 1 a.m. Monday when he spotted about six to eight suspects wearing hooded sweatshirts flip over the cars.

"They looked like they were up to no good," he said. "And sure enough, they huddled around it and lifted it up."

And the vandalized cars? Michael said they reminded him of little dogs: "They look like they are dachshunds sitting up on their hind legs."

San Francisco Police Officer Gordon Shyy said the suspects are still at large.

Smart Automobile is headquartered in Boblingen, Germany and has its primary assembly plant in Hambach, France. The nearly one-ton cars start at about $13,000 and the company brands its cars with a lower case "s."

Smart car flipping is not new, but the reasons for it are slightly unclear, other than the cars are smaller and lighter than most vehicles.

The VoiceofVancouver showed a video of people flipping over a smart car in 2011 during a citywide riot, as did another YouTube user who showed people smashing the high-tech mini-car.

In 2009, the Toronto Star wrote a piece, "Tipping smart cars the latest prank trend," comparing the act of tipping over the pint-size vehicles as the modern-day equivalent of tipping over cows.

The smart car website has a forum with frustrated car owners discussing the pricey prank. And a parody Facebook page was set up called "Smart Car Tipping" by a creator who does not "practice, promote or condone Smart Car Tipping."

This is hilarious, But it would definitely suck to have happen to you. I know I did dumb stuff when I was a kid and it came back around on me as an adult.....😶
Walking outside in the morning and finding you vehicle on its ass....... Oh got to tip my girlie vehicle back over again...:cheesy:
To be clear, I am in NO WAY advocating or condoning this stupid act of vandalism. I just posted it up because in its own twisted way.... it is kinda funny. :crazyeyes:
I'm not responsible for what I do after the bar serves me a 3rd, " ROCK HARD WET WOODY " just sayin!
I prefer to be the one to tipping over my vehicles. Would be more than a little pissed if someone else did that. It may be just a smartcar, but someone forked over some hard earned $$$ for it only to have it messed up by a few db's who probably ran out of spray paint to tag things with.
Just goes to show...the more things change, the more they stay the same.
The VW Beetle was the coupe du jour in the 60's.
How many people could you cram in one? Pick it up and place it over the parking lot curbstone so that the driver/owner couldn't drive away. Take it apart and re-assemble it in a building's dorm room or similar location. You get the drift. Usually no physical damage done to 'em though.
I would say it's really funny but I don't wanna get back to work and find my rig vandalized in one fashion or another. I'll handle that all on my own out on the trails. I feel for the owners..I mean, at least they aren't "Pri'i" owners...
This practice sucks. At least when someone put the coach's or principal's bug on the outdoor stage at school the football team could get it back down without damage.
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