Clanking noise when turning

I had a rear lower control arm to frame bracket bolt work lose on me last year. I had a heck of a time repeating the noise but would clank every once in a while at slow 15mph hard turn. Drove me nuts for weeks.

well i finally managed to get the noise down and filmed. took a few times but i got it in the end. found the spot in the steerings rotation that cause the clank to be emitted when going from one extreme to another hopefully one of you guys can help me pin this down because i am going to lose my mind now. i think it may be the track bar causing the noise but i won't know for sure until i retighten everything
The culprit was finally apprehended I re torques everything before I left on te last wheeling trip and noticed whatever the problem was had been really messing with my wheel and progressively getting worse. Seems the axel end of my track bar had gotten dirty and was tightened on dirt and grim. Cleaned it ad tightened it all and now my steering is tight and doesn't have okay anymore!!!
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