CARNAGE!! Let's See Your Best Breaks & Trail Damage

We were out at Evans Creek Saturday and I broke the sector shaft on the last trail of the day.

I want to thank Eddie for the winch steering video because that's how we got my jeep off the trail. The trails at Evans are very tight so it took about 6 hours to go less than 2 miles swapping the winch line from side to side. It sucked, but we finally made it down to the main staging area parking lot around 10pm. We then had to drive closer into town to get cell service for a tow truck. From breaking to getting home was a 11 hour ordeal.

After looking at the last couple pages of this thread I'm not feeling so sad for my tiny bit of Carnage. It was my first body damage and I was a bit irritated with myself but you guys have made me feel much better... it could have been much worse! :blush:

This is tree damage. My long wheelbase got me in a tight spot.

After looking at the last couple pages of this thread I'm not feeling so sad for my tiny bit of Carnage. It was my first body damage and I was a bit irritated with myself but you guys have made me feel much better... it could have been much worse! :blush:

This is tree damage. My long wheelbase got me in a tight spot.

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Where did this happen?
There is video spotter said turn driver and I turned passenger. I laid the Jeep into an embankment. It did some damage to the left side and the top.
Broken axle shaft in a D35. Trail fix attached to wheel it down to the parking lot in three wheel drive.

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