Calling You Out pastorwug

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I guess they don't like it when members keep filing those damn false complaints about my gerbils. don't have to commit right now or anything but if you aren't busy next weekend I've got some duct tape...No pressure.
Grab a beer at 7:20 am EST ??.......Okay I'm in......You know what they say....."You can't drink all day if you don't start early in the morning!"

Screw it i'm off till next Thursday anyway what the hell!

OK - here's what happened from my perspective - I don't care about your perspective, no one has to care about mine either.

I was paging through the thread about Jeek's build with his Mommy's money and noticed dear Bob-O sporting an Avatar with his Jeep under a cross somewhere - Ok, interesting to me.
Then his use of the acronym OMFG - I thought I figured out what that means but I looked it up on the Google machine. Not a statement anyone being pictured under a cross should be sporting regardless of situation.
I mention that in a post on Jeek's thread and it appears Bob-O changes his avatar rather quickly - though I didn't go back for almost a week I think.
On comes Jeek lying for him, saying that the acronym means something harmless, and telling me Bob-O is not the typical 13 year old boy I have sex with - leave him alone, Bob-O is his friend.
Then you chime in defending Jeek's statement and asking me to calm down and just get along with someone who has made a charge about my morality. Don't ever do that.
You don't like me associating you with their stupidity then don't defend them.

Granted, this particular instance had nothing to do with a sticker, 2 other forums did, a poor association on my part, for that I'm apologetic. Your close friendship with people who have expressed a hatred for this forum puzzles me and reeks of deceitfulness. I haven't sen where you've "called out" their antics, however improper.

Did I have an agenda on Jeek's thread? - not at all, and I said nothing about that kid's build or your odd encouragement of it. Odd because of his attitude with others and Eddie.
Do I have an issue with knuckleheads sporting an association with a cross and cursing my God who hung on that cross? - absolutely, and I'm unapologetic about it.
Judge me for what I stand for, and judge me for who I stand with, but you cannot judge me for issues of morality that you know nothing about.

I expressed my loyalty to the people and the Forum here because, for the most part, people are productive and encouraging about the process of modding a Jeep, this Forum stands out to me above others I've visited.

Your agenda is over as far as I'm concerned. You want to continue to fill your diaper, do it. You want to continue to support people that make a mockery of the Lord, or mock Him yourself - I'll say something and I won't likely be kind about it.
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OK - here's what happened from my perspective - I don't care about your perspective, no one has to care about mine either.

I was paging through the thread about Jeek's build with his Mommy's money and noticed dear Bob-O sporting an Avatar with his Jeep under a cross somewhere - Ok, interesting to me.
Then his use of the acronym OMFG - I thought I figured out what that means but I looked it up on the Google machine. Not a statement anyone being pictured under a cross should be sporting regardless of situation.
I mention that in a post on Jeek's thread and it appears Bob-O changes his avatar rather quickly - though I didn't go back for almost a week I think.
On comes Jeek lying for him, saying that the acronym means something harmless, and telling me Bob-O is not the typical 13 year old boy I have sex with - leave him alone, Bob-O is his friend.
Then you chime in defending Jeek's statement and asking me to calm down and just get along with someone who has made a charge about my morality. Don't ever do that.
You don't like me associating you with their stupidity then don't defend them.

Granted, this particular instance had nothing to do with a sticker, 2 other forums did, a poor association on my part, for that I'm apologetic. Your close friendship with people who have expressed a hatred for this forum puzzles me and reeks of deceitfulness. I haven't sen where you've "called out" their antics, however improper.

Did I have an agenda on Jeek's thread? - not at all, and I said nothing about that kid's build or your odd encouragement of it. Odd because of his attitude with others and Eddie.
Do I have an issue with knuckleheads sporting an association with a cross and cursing my God who hung on that cross? - absolutely, and I'm unapologetic about it.
Judge me for what I stand for, and judge me for who I stand with, but you cannot judge me for issues of morality that you know nothing about.

I expressed my loyalty to the people and the Forum here because, for the most part, people are productive and encouraging about the process of modding a Jeep, this Forum stands out to me above others I've visited.

Your agenda is over as far as I'm concerned. You want to continue to fill your diaper, do it. You want to continue to support people that make a mockery of the Lord, or mock Him yourself - I'll say something and I won't likely be kind about it.

First off, thanks for making this my own thread lol. My intentions were not to derail the appreciation for wayalife thread. Was looking though it and found this high and mighty toolbag making false accusations.

Jesus Christ cry me a fckn river. Love how you sound all high and mighty and just perfectly innocent. You posted in Jeeks thread for one reason and that was to cause trouble. If you don't like someone's avatar, let a mod know. If you don't like their use of OMFG let a mod know. But no, you had to "mention" that in a post on Edgar's thread. You and I know what you were doing there. Obviously You got what was coming to you when Bob-o told you to leave him alone, "he's not the 13 yo boys you are used too."

Now you come in here and lie some more. My post defended no one. I simply told you to squash it and to leave it alone.

You can associate me with them all you want, they are my friends. But coming in here and straight lying about something I've said or done is far from association.

Saying you didn't have an agenda posting on that thread is a joke. Like you said you didn't say anything about the build. Hmmmm. That's strange. So you posted some bs in a thread that had nothing to do with the topic when don't even like the person who started the thread. That's posting with an agenda.

Like I said if you didn't like the cross or the OMFG then start a thread or let a mod know. Don't go pushing your beliefs on others.

I'm glad you like it here. I like it too. But I will not allow you to post false accusations about me. Please address the issue that I am bringing forth here. Show me where I have shredded you, for any reason, let alone some sticker or simply your association with this forum. Please oh please high and mighty pastor Wug show us all the light and lead us to these blastphemous posts I made. Guess what? There are none. It's bs just like everything you stand for. You sir a a liar. Don't like me saying that, prove me wrong and show me the posts you claim I made.

Your next post in this thread should either show the forum what you claim I said or did to you, or should be admitting that you are full of it.
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