Building rock sliders, 2 door pic request (so that I can rip off EVO)

The guy's name is Alexandre. I can only assume that the "O" and "D" stand for "Offroad Design". As if he actually "designed" anything :rolleyes2:

EDIT: Looks like Adam beat me to it
Being that this guy is BANNED and I could care less about what he thinks, I'd like to share a part of a final PM that he sent to me if only because I find it so amusing....

Holeshot said:
I have enough, delete that post.

this forum is filled with sheeps that follows the same pattern on each damn rig.

Oh yeah, we have a different visions of the facts, But I don't really care. I understand you want to protect your friends work, but don't be silly. I'm just the one that posted what I did. I've seen so many others do the same but just never shared.

The irony, to criticize this forum for being "filled with sheeps that follows the same pattern on each damn rig" and then in the same breath, try and defend your carbon copy of what all the so called sheep are following. I may be "silly" here but at least I have the only version of facts that matter.
Ya know, I got to thinking about this more and it occurred to me that the name Holeshot rang a bell. Looking back through my old messages, I found the following PM I got from him back on 12/21/2012...

So in other words, this whole time you were just pretending to be just some regular member looking to make his own rocker guards and to save some money while all along, you were purposefully looking for help to RIP OFF EVO so that you could make their rocker guards and sell them in Canada. It really is no wonder why you got so defensive over all this. You my friend are SHAMELESS.

Talk about slammed.. this is a whole new level of stealing.
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Well, thanks to his CAD image, I think we at least know that his company is called "AOD". Look for it in a Canadian Off Road shop near you. :rolleyes2:

Thanks, he lives 5.5h’s away from me north bound so I doubt well hear anything about it down where I am..

However right now the current craze in Montreal for newbies is a dude who is making some of his own stuff and copies some of Poison Spyder’s and Rock hard stuff... only people who know this of course are the people who spend the time looking at parts long enough to see the difference. But people these days don’t care about honor anymore it’s all about $$$... it’s a shame I tell you.. I’m glad I still deal only with the real companies, and when they don’t have what it takes, I draw it out, buy the metal prep it, and get it welded.

If you interested to know about it Eddie, I’ll pm you the companies info.
Thanks, he lives 5.5h’s away from me north bound so I doubt well hear anything about it down where I am..

However right now the current craze in Montreal for newbies is a dude who is making some of his own stuff and copies some of Poison Spyder’s and Rock hard stuff... only people who know this of course are the people who spend the time looking at parts long enough to see the difference. But people these days don’t care about honor anymore it’s all about $$$... it’s a shame I tell you.. I’m glad I still deal only with the real companies, and when they don’t have what it takes, I draw it out, buy the metal prep it, and get it welded.

If you interested to know about it Eddie, I’ll pm you the companies info.

Shi* I'm saving all my pennies to get a real Evo stinger.
Shi* I'm saving all my pennies to get a real Evo stinger.

Good thing too it’s a really impressive piece of Steel... :thumb: I like how evo’s designs are so simple almost industrial looking, but thats because they are highly functional products. I’d say the only thing I’ve installed from them that made me scratch my head and even call EVO mfg to make sure it didn’t get welded wrong or something... was my front long arm brackets... the upper arm that bolts vertically instead of a traditional horizontal.
damn near everything is copied by all companies so more power to Holeshot for doing his own.

Wow, I suppose things like honesty and integrity really aren't qualities you care about but to actually encourage the outright theft of a design in this way... I won't lie, guys like you make me sick. Please spend more of your time on a forum that shares your value system.
Hey jeffd, why are you still even here? Your name sounded familiar and doing a search, I found the following comment you made after I asked you to go wheeling with me....

jeffd said:
I doubt you would want me along holding everybody up. I am not hard core heck Fins and things is about as daring as I get. Sorry if I offended you by liking the TF hinge. I will sulk away quietly never too post again...

Seems that among other things, you aren't even a man of your word. But then, what a surprise :naw:
Wow, I suppose things like honesty and integrity really aren't qualities you care about but to actually encourage the outright theft of a design in this way... I won't lie, guys like you make me sick. Please spend more of your time on a forum that shares your value system.

hmmm... i say f**k it,it's time to strap the ole ass kicking boots on and start cleaning house :D
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