Broken Track Bar on DTD

Still need for him to come over or we need to meet up at some point. In case you haven't watched the news , the weather hasn't been good in South East Texas (Houston especially). He has been dealing with more than his fair share of nature and a set of box end wrenches with broken part for internet pics is the last thing I'm going to big him for now

I feel like this is a very valid excuse.

You shouldn't care what I think. But why come here and say you'll have pictures of you know all along you never will?

Just like those pics you were going to post of you wheeling that were on your buddies camera. That was 6+ months ago and no pictures.

I'm still waiting for a couple videos of my jeep that a friend took over six months ago. Super annoying. Just saying... Sometimes it happens.
Are y'all the types of people who keep old broken shit all over the House and garage? You know, like the treasured McDonalds hamburger wrapper tucked away in the coffee table bc it represented the first time you drive your jeep through a drive through? Do you keep broken jeep parts on display on the mantle next to the family pictures? Do you keep old brake rotors? Old poopnfrom the first time your puppy crapped on the car parts in the living room? They aren't trophies. Fellas, that shit is called junk. Most people don't give a shit.

This whole episode has me thinking. What kind of People would find it so surprising that someone doesn't give a shit about a broken car part. Y'all treat it like I lost the tip of my finger and it should be treasured for reattachment. Your houses must be disasters. Ever seen the show hoarders?

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I was thinking the same thing. That would put a lot more stress on that track bar.

I think you're onto something. In gonna go take three off both front wheels tomorrow as a precaution. I'll make sure to take pictures of the lug nuts and save them forever.
Are y'all the types of people who keep old broken shit all over the House and garage? You know, like the treasured McDonalds hamburger wrapper tucked away in the coffee table bc it represented the first time you drive your jeep through a drive through? Do you keep broken jeep parts on display on the mantle next to the family pictures? Do you keep old brake rotors? Old poopnfrom the first time your puppy crapped on the car parts in the living room? They aren't trophies. Fellas, that shit is called junk. Most people don't give a shit.

This whole episode has me thinking. What kind of People would find it so surprising that someone doesn't give a shit about a broken car part. Y'all treat it like I lost the tip of my finger and it should be treasured for reattachment. Your houses must be disasters. Ever seen the show hoarders?

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Actually if anyone asked me for the super bad bent metalcloak tie rod I had I still could go take a pic of it. That thing is famous. I couldn't come to throwing it away.
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