BrankZ thread

I agree it's disrespectful, but it is her first amendment right to do so.
What was that old saying?

" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
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I agree it's disrespectful, but it is her first amendment right to do so.
What was that old saying?

" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

You are correct.

BUT do you really think these types of people have read the constitution OR believe that everyone else has a right to do similar things that may offend them? Like someone telling them to get back to work and stop being a burden on society...
You are correct.

BUT do you really think these types of people have read the constitution OR believe that everyone else has a right to do similar things that may offend them? Like someone telling them to get back to work and stop being a burden on society...

Perhaps, perhaps not. Any answer I could give would be speculative.

It's becoming apparent that not many people here have bothered to read the US Flag Code, though.
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Stepping on the flag doesn't make you an activist or a protester it makes u an asshole.


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You're not supposed to drape the American flag over a hood. From what I'm gathering. Flag code

That's what I got from it, and then the "other side" portion of the post.

To Steamboat: it has nothing to do with race. The reason people are so upset over this and not people hanging flags on their hood, is because someone displaying a flag on their hood is not meant to be disrespectful and these people stomping on them are fully meaning to be disrespectful to the flag and what it stands for. Just my two cents.
That's what I got from it, and then the "other side" portion of the post.

To Steamboat: it has nothing to do with race. The reason people are so upset over this and not people hanging flags on their hood, is because someone displaying a flag on their hood is not meant to be disrespectful and these people stomping on them are fully meaning to be disrespectful to the flag and what it stands for. Just my two cents.

I agree, there is a big difference between draping it on a hood, having a flag on apparel, there are so many little codes, but people laying them on the ground and stepping on them or burning them is different in my book.
That's what I got from it, and then the "other side" portion of the post.

To Steamboat: it has nothing to do with race.

Race? I don't recall bringing race into anything.

By "other side" I meant anyone who doesn't agree with you politically. Well, not "you" specifically, but I'm sure you get my meaning.
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You are/were in the Coast Guard? First off thanks for you service, I very rarely see you guys thanked. My Uncle was on the USS Serpens in WW2 and lost his life in an explosion, which was (I believe) the biggest lose of life of any CG vessel. Again THANK YOU!

I am in the coast guard! Just graduated from basic training on Friday. The biggest lose of life on a CG vessel was the uscgc Tampa when it was hit by a German u boat torpedo. All 111 shipmates died.

Thanks man I really appreciate it!
Been flying it since 9-11. I remember flags were common in front of houses just after the attack. Its too bad people don't stick with displaying the greatest symbol of freedom on the planet.


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