Black 2 dr on 35 inch Nittos in Lubbock

Angry Aussie

New member
The night of Aug 23 I was on my way to Durango and stopped in Lubbock for the night. As I was on my way back to the hotel a black 2 dr on 35s pulled up next to me at a light. It had to have been a 2013 cause it was super clean. Black, black wheels and tinted out as well. As I was staring at this thing, I couldnt see anyone in the back seat, but all the sudden two girls leaned up to the window to look at my jeep and oh my god, the two girls sitting in the back of that thing were SMOKING HOT! If your on this Forum WELL DONE to whoever drives that thing, great looking jeep even hotter friends in the back. Made my night! :brows:
Not sure we were on our way back from whataburger, I think we were right next to campus. I don't know Lubbock to well just always drive through it on the way to colorado
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