Big shout out and wave from North Carolina


Hey, good tech info here.
Been a jeeper for about 6 years now. On my 4th jeep now.
Started with a 97 TJ that I bought off CL, bought the jeep as a project, fixed it up over 5 months, sold the jeep back on CL and made 4k. Then ordered a 13 JKUS rock lobster with out seeing the color, wife loved it , I never warmed up to the color, kept that one for 2 years and traded for a 15 Red JKUS. Worked on it over the next year. Got the Rubicon itch and traded for a White16 JKUR. It's now my current project and money pit..
Hindsight if I could do it again, I'd have kept the 15 Sport and saved the money on the Ruby as I'm fixing to replace axles..Hine the whole reason I got the Rubicon
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