Big Bear Area March 12 and 13


New member
Planning on doing a couple runs in the Big Bear Lake Arrowhead Area the weekend of the 12-13. Planning on doing a couple of different trails.

We for sure will be doing Gold Mtn on Saturday morning and sort of picking and choosing from there. If you would like to meet up for the Gold Mtn Run we will be meeting up at the Vons shopping center in Big Bear at 900 and on the trailhead airing down and disconnecting between 915 and 930. Gold Mtn is a semi easy black diamond with 2 or 3 bigger obstacles and plenty of room to breath in between said obstacles. Its a great way to break yourself in if you are a beginner jeeper. I ran Gold Mtn when my jeep was still stock and made it through fine. That being said you would want Rock Rails and expect the bottom of your jeep to rub skid plates if you are still stock.

After we run Gold we are going to try to do Holcomb Creek or Dishpan springs. This is going to be greatly dependent on time and weather conditions. If we don't have time Saturday afternoon then we will shoot to do Holcomb creek at about 8 or 9 Sunday morning.

Maz's plus 1

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I am in 100% and i know this isn't my run but ................

Was wondering what the other trails in mind you had? The harder the better. Should be some fresh snow laid down Sunday and Monday.
I am in 100% and i know this isn't my run but ................

Was wondering what the other trails in mind you had? The harder the better. Should be some fresh snow laid down Sunday and Monday.

Awesome. I'll update the original post with some trail suggestions. It kind of depends on the weather and how long it takes to run Gold Mtn.
Hello Guys.
Count me in please and I have another friend (Mike) who likes to join us too with his Rubicon. Thx
Man would love to do this run. Use to jeep up there a lot. Nice trails not going to make it :/ have fun guys!
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