Baseball bat in car

Rule of thumb

The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)
The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)

First thing they teach you in CCW training class.
[2usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)[/QUOTE]

Now...we need to work on my horrible temper!! :clap2:
The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)

Always the best advise
The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)

^ This. Plus, you run the risk of the other guy taking your weapon because you "don't need it anymore." ;)
Honestly I'd be wary of where you have the bat. My friend and I got pulled over on I-35 going back to Waco from Dallas for speeding and the cop took one look in the cab and saw the handle to my friends martial arts stick in between the seats and pulled us both out. He made me sit in his squad car while he questioned my friend. Luckily he had his whole gear bag in the car and told the cop he just drives around with it. The cop wasn't impressed and told my friend he could arrest him. I love cops and know a lot but this guy was being a little nuts.
The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)

Agreed 100%. I do not bring a knife ( or a bat ) to a gun fight. Walk away from any confrontation that you CAN walk away from.... When you CANNOT walk away you are now in a gunfight! Leave the bat for the little league kids, prepare for the worse and pray for the best. Train until it is second nature and never question which guy deserves to go home to his family safe and sound...

Just my two cents....
Castle law, your vehicle is a extension of your home, therefore your allowed to conceal a firearm in your vehicle. But if I remember correctly, it can not be loaded(empty chamber) and clip has to be separated from firearm
^^^ I don't know whether or not that is true in Texas. I can tell you for certain that the "castle law" does not apply in all states. Plus, in most states the "castle law" has to do with the use of deadly force, not whether you can conceal a weapon.
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I agree with many of the comments....don't bring a bat to a gun fight....but if you don't want to carry a gun, or don't have one. Why carry a bat when you can carry a flashlight... There is nothing illegal with carrying a flashlight.... 6 cell D Mag-lite...19.5 inches long, 1.5 inch diameter, and 50 oz with batteries its basically a legal weighted pipe....that you can also use as a light when you get stuck!

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Get a BB or pellet gun under your seat lol.

Bad idea there, Brankzie.. Two reasons. All you're going to do with a BB gun is piss someone off. Second, they have a way of making BB guns look very realistic. Even cops have accidentally shot people because they thought it was real, whoever you are confronting with a BB gun might could think it's real and bring out their REAL gun.

We Are Jeep..Resistance Is Futile..
Bad idea there, Brankzie.. Two reasons. All you're going to do with a BB gun is piss someone off. Second, they have a way of making BB guns look very realistic. Even cops have accidentally shot people because they thought it was real, whoever you are confronting with a BB gun might could think it's real and bring out their REAL gun.

We Are Jeep..Resistance Is Futile..

Ops lol thanks for the tip. I was on my way to Walmart lol
I submit for your review....

I can't believe I missed that one!! I'm glad this video ended that way! Best possible outcome! Those guys are lucky it wasn't me in that car!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
The number one rule when it comes to carrying a weapon, any weapon to include baseball bats and clubs= You better know how to use it as a weapon. Because it you don't, the other guy usually beats you with your own bat. Safer living through better training, and usually when you have the better training you don't end up in pointless fights. Learn to walk away...... ;)

It looked like the guy in the video was trying to get away.... For a long time too!! He also managed to keep his cool once things got real, and even when he had the upper hand, he still chose to simply walk (or drive) away.. Well played BMW guy!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
It looked like the guy in the video was trying to get away.... For a long time too!! He also managed to keep his cool once things got real, and even when he had the upper hand, he still chose to simply walk (or drive) away.. Well played BMW guy!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.

Should've took the bat too

We Are Jeep..Resistance Is Futile..
In the eyes of the law, anything can be viewed as a weapon in the right context. Since you decided to start a thread inquiring about this subject, I can only assume that you intend to fit that context like a glove. I'm not saying that you will get arrested for merely having a baseball bat in your Jeep, but it will certainly throw up red flags to any cop with half a brain. Unless you can prove that you are going to, or coming from, some sort of baseball/softball event you will, at best, get hassled and earn yourself a spot on that officer's radar, and at worst, get charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Furthermore, the minute you decide use it for anything beyond baseball it automatically becomes classified as a potential lethal weapon and your day becomes extremely shitty, extremely quickly. It will make your subsequent self defense argument a much tougher sell, that is, if your lucky enough to even be able to mount a defense and not lying in the morgue with a 45 cal. hole in your chest.

What I can't figure out is, why, as an American citizen, you wouldn't just apply for a LTC permit if you are legitimately concerned about your safety? Are you a underage? An ex-felon? A baseball bat is only going to get you jammed up or killed.

The most important thing you can do in the event of an attack is to create distance between you and your attacker while still having force options at your disposal if necessary. If you are truly only concerned about self defense, deescalating situations should be your only concern. Carrying a baseball bat around hardly seems like something someone who is concerned solely with self defense would do. I'm not saying it's impossible, but with a plethora of better and smaller weapons available, carrying a baseball bat just makes it seem like you're trying to disguise your intentions. Having a license to carry permit will keep you as safe as you can hope to be in the most efficient, lawful manor possible. Pass the proper courses and go through the proper channels and you'll never have to worry about being hassled.

If your only concern is road rage, punch "The high road" into your GPS and see where it takes you, you may be pleasantly surprised. If you have legitimate concerns about you or your family's overall safety, then by all means go out and get yourself a license to carry a firearm. Treat it with respect and be aware that any weapon can very easily be used to take someone's life...or your own.
Texas "castle doctrine" only applies to habitational occupancy. This is defined as your home where you sleep and extends to your vehicle or water craft that you occupy. It does not extend to any detached structures. It gets a lot more complicated when you mix in the "trespassing" scenarios.

We don't have a "stand your ground" law but we do have a "don't have to retreat" law.

Even if you are FULLY justified in using force or deadly force; whether pursued criminally or civilly, it'll still cost you $50k plus.

Even of you don't conceal carry I'd urge you all to take the class, exercise your constitutional rights. The education alone is fantastic!

Remember, an armed society is a polite society.

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
What I can't figure out is, why, as an American citizen, you wouldn't just apply for a LTC permit if you are legitimately concerned about your safety?

This can be hard depending on where you live. For example when I lived in Ca (San Bernardino Co) It was up to the county sheriff to grant or deny a CCW. It wasn't a shall issue state. So the sheriff could deny any CCW application for any reason. While there i had heard first hand from others who applied and read multiple stories and articles published of those all over SoCal being denied without any reason.

I am now a PA resident, and I don't have this problem anymore Pa is a Shall Issue state and things are all good with the CCW.

Is there any SoCal residents on here that want to chime in and articulate on this further? Maybe things have changed since those days
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