automatic learn how to drive (a jeep)

If someone needs this feature in order to not kill themselves while driving then they are a dumbass that doesn't pay enough attention to their surroundings.
Can it be helpful in certain situations, yes. But I sure as shit do not want to be stuck in some goddam Google goobermobile watching the trees pass me by as I'm shepherded
to and from my destination like a nice little citizen...

Seatbelt comment hardly an apt comparison.

Edit: As long as these systems are optional and you WANT them, then hey, who would have an issue with that. I just don't like HAVING to get this on my vehicle
or the thought of HAVING to use a driverless vehicle.

It's not about them killing themselves. It's about stopping them from killing the people around them. The amount of fatal crashes I've been involved in investigating where someone's inattention caused someone else's death is quite scary.
It's not about them killing themselves. It's about stopping them from killing the people around them. The amount of fatal crashes I've been involved in investigating where someone's inattention caused someone else's death is quite scary.

And auto brakes will encourage people to pay MORE attention?? :thinking: doubt it!
It's not about them killing themselves. It's about stopping them from killing the people around them. The amount of fatal crashes I've been involved in investigating where someone's inattention caused someone else's death is quite scary.

So let's protect everybody from themselves, right? Lets get rid of guns, knives, ladders, spray paint and Sudafed while we're at it.
Look, I get your point, but I want to be able to turn this shit off f I want to. Putting a band aid on the problem isn't solving anything. The problem is cell phone use
in moving vehicles and inattentive drivers. Treat these violations like drunk driving. I honestly think this a more widespread problem than drunk driving.
No thank you for any of that stuff. Can't even do decent donuts anymore...

Yup. I get the appeal of the whole thing though. There are times I wish I could switch my brain off instead of being in a constant state of anxiety about every other driver. Not only that, it's one more thing to drive the price up. You know what was one of the highest selling points for me on my jeep? Analog knobs & switches. I had a Ford Explorer with a touch screen & touch sensitive bumps instead of knobs & switches. It sucked ass. I realized it had gone too far for me & I wanted a reliable modern 4x4 that I understood.
So let's protect everybody from themselves, right? Lets get rid of guns, knives, ladders, spray paint and Sudafed while we're at it.
Look, I get your point, but I want to be able to turn this shit off f I want to. Putting a band aid on the problem isn't solving anything. The problem is cell phone use
in moving vehicles and inattentive drivers. Treat these violations like drunk driving. I honestly think this a more widespread problem than drunk driving.

I agree with you but it really isn't the same thing it's not stopping you from driving. The current automatic braking systems only apply if they see a potential incident and identify your not going react. As soon as you do react it overrides the system. If you do anything at all like turn the wheel, press the brake or accelerate it will over ride. You don't need to turn it off because it's like ABS, you don't even know it's there until you really need it.

Some of the new driver aids are a pita like lane departure warning and blind spot assist but this isn't one of them
Immagine automatic braking in an off-road situation. Every time you attempt to hit a large obstacle the damn thing thinks you're about to be in an accident and locks the brakes! That would be quite challenging, to say the least.
Imagine being able to go to the pub and then tell your car to drive you home when you've had too many

My wife and I test drove a Tesla not to long ago and used the autopilot feature. The technology is there already, but I'm sure there's some legal roadblock keeping us from it now.
Your onto something here!!

Yup, here in the states it's called a C-A-B
Yellow ones all over the place.

Look, I know its coming and I don't want to sound like Don Quixote here, but I do not want driverless vehicles. I LIKE driving myself.
As far as auto brakes and such, just gimme a kill switch for them and ill be ok.
True. More accidents are undoubtedly caused by cell phones, than alcohol, but you get a $25.00 ticket in Mississippi for cell phone use while driving. Get a DUI, and they'll crucify you.

It's crazy how it's only a 25.00 dollar fine for you. Here in Ontario it's a minimum 500-ish dollar fine and 3 demerit points. And people still do it then complain they got ticketed for it!
Lol at some of the comments.

I'll just put this here:

So it looks like we need to kill all of the software engineers before its too late? :idontknow:
Just kidding, just kidding. Now I'm afraid some bot somewhere will read my post and put me on a watch list..:shock:

Uber is building a vehicle tech center here in Pittsburgh as we speak. More than likely in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon Univ. I know driverless vehicles are coming.
Just not thrilled at all..
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