Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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And what about the Labor force that works outdoors and are supposed to be wearing Masks because the Douche bag Governor said so? Try throwing lumber for 8 hours in 80, 90, 100*+ weather with a f'n tampon on your face.... It's fucked. Not everyone sits in an air conditioned office.
In the entire state of Nevada, there have been less than 100 deaths of people under the age of 60. There have been 43 deaths of people under the age of 50, and 12 of people under the age of 40.

I’m not saying people 60+ are expendable. What I am saying is we should direct our attention to isolating the people truly at risk instead of tanking society as a whole.

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No, you just think that I'm an asshole. And really, that's cool.

Thanks! It's a shame that you still live in fear and in spite of the fact that LA County has been seeing a decline in deaths.

Those are your words . I never made this personal. But cool.

On your second point, LA county deaths are spiking again after a really slow gradual decline due over last few months...

LA Covid cases.jpg

Use whatever source you want:

Johns Hopkins also has a tracker. They all tell the same story.
Those are your words . I never made this personal. But cool.

You said, and I quote, "Not wearing a mask doesn’t make you a patriot . Makes you an asshole ."

On your second point, LA county deaths are spiking again after a really slow gradual decline due over last few months...
Use whatever source you want:
Johns Hopkins also has a tracker. They all tell the same story.

I used Google. It says deaths have been on the decline since the 8th.


But hey, you can believe whatever you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.
First time I've even looked at this stuff. I like the case map. Really shows just how widespread this whole thing ISN'T

You said, and I quote, "Not wearing a mask doesn’t make you a patriot . Makes you an asshole ."

I used Google. It says deaths have been on the decline since the 8th.

View attachment 350143

But hey, you can believe whatever you want to believe. Makes no difference to me.

See comment to Kirk . Asshole comment was covered in meme and about being abrasive to store owners .

Makes sense now I see how you are interpreting data . Google data shows a decline from an all time high back to an overall increasing trend line . That is also for all of Cali Versus LA as you mentioned 2 posts ago .

We will continue to agree to disagree on this topic but I’ll drop it again for however long since there is an echo chamber here on this topic .

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Personally, I think we should organize a rescue mission for Mel, his family, and a hand full of others. Then all of coastal southern California can.... know.
Something’s wrong with this picture.

What is it? ... hmmmm.... oh yeah. The tie is too long.


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AZ has been getting some attention lately on the COVID-19 front but let me put things into perspective. Looking at confirmed cases is a waste of time, someone with mild symptoms or are asymptomatic count in that poll. States should be looking at confirmed deaths...

Arizona population = 7 mill
- COVID-19 death toll 2,200ish.

Michigan population = 10 mill
-COVID-19 death toll 6,000ish

Our “lockdown” was in name only. Only dine in eating was truly limited and after some fussing, some hair salons opted to close. Every business category was listed as essential and if your business supported essential, you were essential. Michigan, from what I hear was in strict lockdown and from the numbers it didn’t seem to helped much.

So all the hussing and fussing to lock down did little in comparison between Arizona and Michigan. And our economy is actually having a nice rebound - most states are looking at raising taxes to combat their budget shortfalls - I have yet heard that yet in AZ. Actually, considering most want to steer clear from AZ in the summer, I have seen a lot of out of state plates.

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Wearing a mask should be a choice, I choose to wear one. Not because of the overriding fear around COVID-19 or if I will get sick, I have a baby and the jury is still out on how it will affect them and I will go above/beyond to ensure her protection since she cant. And I am trying to protect my investment, she is an IVF baby, so I have a lot of money invested in her (kidding, mostly).

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