Anyone ever poop....

Anyone else ever feel like one of these days Pete is just going to disappear from the forum and it's because he's completely moved into the woods, living in a tree, pooping in a hole, etc?

I'm not seeing the downside :idontknow: pooping in a hole isn't so bad and living in the woods would be bad ass.
a composting toilet probably wouldn't work so well in a colder climate like Colorado

there's a guy here in the city went full off grid within the limits. he used to give tours of his place. charged $5 for the tour. (offset the off grid cost build i suppose). he has compost toilets with some type of worms in it. they break it down pretty good from what he was saying.
there's a guy here in the city went full off grid within the limits. he used to give tours of his place. charged $5 for the tour. (offset the off grid cost build i suppose). he has compost toilets with some type of worms in it. they break it down pretty good from what he was saying.

I viewed a video that suggested peat moss or coconut fiber too. It would really be nice to have if you had say a hunting cabin off the grid somewhere.
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